Hello Harvey,
The Outlook object model provides the VotingResponse property which returns or sets a string specifying the voting response for the mail message.
The ExpiryTime property of the MailItem class returns a Date indicating the date and time at which the item becomes invalid and can be deleted. Also you may find the ReminderTime (related) properties helpful. They allow to set a Date indicating the date and time at which the reminder should occur for the specified item.
Finally, you may find the How to: Add Voting Options to a Mail Item article helpful.
hi, Eugene :
thanks your reply.
i don't use voting fucntion in outlook . i use ModerateMessageByManager or ModerateMessageByUser TransportRule. if i send a mail need my manager approval , but my manager is go out and tow days . now the mail return to me and say:Your email did not approve in time. so the tow days is default in exchange server set. I think need exchange powershell modify .
thanks .
The Outlook object model doesn't provide anything for that. I'd suggest asking Exchange specific questions on the Exchange Dev forum instead.
hi, Eugene :
get-retentionpolicytag moderatedrecipients |fl
set-retentionpolicytag moderatedrecipients -agelimitforretention 01.00:00:00
Yeah,you can change the approval time by using the above command .
Thank for your share!