need more help on the calculations
thx for the replays
we are only a very small organisation (12people working, in a non profit organization so we cant spend a lot of money on IT...)
we only have a server which runs evrything (data, exchange, remote loggin to the mailbox, anti-virus,... and go on)
the space we have is only 68.5GB and we have only 4.2gb left. and evrytime we go under the 4gb the store.exe stops working... (aldo dont now why bud it does it evrytime) and hat causses somhow the exchange server to stop working.
we have running some imap accounts (10) and some pop3 accounts(25) and we dont limit them on the size they can be.(we can effort that becausse we need to work for about 90 shops we offer service to so we need to save a lot of importent mails)
the imaps are the biggest problem they are like each 1.5gb big. and the avarage mailing that re going on a day are like +3000 mail (in and out)
thetotal space it takes is now about 12gb after we cleand themout a bit.
so how can i calculate on this base how much space i will need to add to the server? we will letthe exchange server run on its own disk.) you alsotalk about the OS/binaries and some other stuff i need to take care whit this calculation.
Bud where can i findthose things on the server?
August 2nd, 2007 11:16pm
I'm confused. You're not building a new server just adding disk to the existing server? How much free space would you have "after we cleand then out a bit"? Still 4.2GB?
I suggest you archive all the old email you need to keep in PST files and get it off your mail server. Then set reasonable mailbox limits. If this is done you shouldn't have to add any disk.
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August 2nd, 2007 11:39pm
wel i dit the things u told.
and the 4.2 is aftter deffraging the database and all the mails older than 1month ofline...
so we really need some extra disk space
August 2nd, 2007 11:42pm
Hmmmm. Something's not right here. You wouldn't have been able to process an offline defrag with that limited space.
Please provide the following:
Size used/free for all partitions
Location of the exchange database & transaction logs
Location of the message tracking logs (if turned on)
Location of the IIS logs (if turned on)
That should get us started.
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August 2nd, 2007 11:47pm
we let the the defrag do by some it personal.... so i dont now how they did it... bud they asked verry much to do it since they have spended like 6houres on it and charged us like 50dollar for one houre. we have two server and on the other server we have 30gb left maybe they used that space i dont now. bud normally that server is to work from home so we can work whit the latest data.
the space we have for all the things you are aksing. is 68GB and all is one disk in a server whit two xeon processor at 3.2ghz and 2gb of ram. and evrything is turned on. the IIS we als use for some small websites. on the same server we also have the SQL 2005 server running.
so we have really a problem as you can see. we already got a other server to move the option we have so we can work from home.
August 2nd, 2007 11:58pm
I guess I was hoping for more detail.
Please provide the size for the following locations:
Exchange database files
Exchange transaction log files
IIS log files
Message tracking log files
Event log files
Virus/SPAM protection log files
SQL 2005 Logs (*.ldf files)
All of these are items that can chew up space. Once we deterime the larger areas we can decide if we want to make adjustments to free up some space.
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August 3rd, 2007 12:12am
alread when im back at the office i will look into it.
i will replay back tomorow. when i get the specifiek details of those file.
ps really a big thx for helping.
August 3rd, 2007 12:19am
Sounds good. I got a feeling we're going to be able to free up a bunch of space.
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August 3rd, 2007 12:22am
well i really hope for it. becausse im sitting whit the hands in the hairs from all the phones i recieve from the people complaining that ther mailboxes are messed up.
Or the server is down or they cant get there emails send... its like this now for about 2 months and weare looking for a definitief solution now. we also decided to get lost of the pop3 mailboxes we rent to some of the clients and only use it for the 12 people in the company so we only have about 20 mailboxes left. (some are for other service we run like a forum and some download sites and they all have there own mailbox.)
well see ya tomorow whit the details on the file size's.
August 3rd, 2007 12:28am
alread after i found the server ofline again this morning... i have taking a look at the disk space usage.
The operating system is a 2003 sbs server. and the installation whit all the programs (office 2003 and visio, and some bookkeeping program and the other stuff we use) are taking up to8 gb of the disk space.
The exchange databaseis 15gb big its a litle strange for me on the reports from the sbs console its only tellingis now 10.5gb on messages sice?)
The transaction logs are taking up about 2gb
The IIS logs are about 5gb (is a total of all the logs i could find)
The massage tracking log is 4gb
Event log files are taking only 500mb
The virus/spam files i could not find back (whe are using sophes anitvirus. and for the spam we let the exchange server look at a real time black list on the internet. Bud wereally need to take it becausse its using to much bandwich)
The SQL 2005 logs i could not find. i searchd the server on *.ldf files bud only found 2 that were like 10 mb and 50 mb. what i also find strange becausse we have 3 databases running that are taking a total of4 gb
And than at final we also store the data on that drive and that is 20gb.
Than we also have the shodow copy on and some bud that is only taking up 10gb max
The backup service we run has its own network dirve to place the need files and runs at night.
And also the virtual memory that is taking up place
so that is all standing on a disk from 68gb that have a raid config (so if one disk is broken we just switch to the other one)
the availeble space drop this night from 4.2 to none. so i took the datafolder and moved it to the other server where i had 30gb left. bud i need to put it back on the first server. since we are not taking backups from the second server (no equipment enough)
so for the moment i have like 20gb space left on the server that also runs the exchange.
so i was really tired of running out of space:
so i we will at least set these things:
Max message size 5mb
Max mailbox storage 2gb for the boss
Max mailbox storage for the staff 1.5gb
and for the support people 1gb
and for the mailboxes we rent 500mb
so are these data helpfull?
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August 3rd, 2007 8:59pm