office 2013 updates fail

Office 2013 updates getting error code 80070643.

I thought it's a .Net issue as stated here but after trying the tool and also doing a complete reinstall of .Net, I still get the same error code.

July 25th, 2013 5:08pm

Please try to create a new local account with local administator permission and then install Office 2013 upate in Windows clean boot to check the result.

By the way, could you detail which update failed to be installed ?  

Tony Chen
Forum Support
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July 27th, 2013 8:22am

the updates that failed to install are:

KB2760538, KB2767851, KB2817320, KB2817482, KB2817491, KB2817492

doing a clean boot now and retrying..

July 28th, 2013 3:40am

did as suggested and same result/error code.

I've googled that some Office 2010 would remain even if uninstalled? (similar to McAfee having a special tool to uninstall remaining McAfee apps).

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July 28th, 2013 5:21am

Have you tried to disable security programs to reinstall them again? Seems that you have McAfee installed...

Tony Chen
Forum Support
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July 29th, 2013 4:51am

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