Can you get access to your Exchange account via OWA?
Please first try starting Outlook with /resetnavpane switch to see the result. To do this, press Windows key + R to open the Run command, type outlook /resetnavpane and press Enter.
If above doesn't help, please try to close Outlook and navigate to your .ost file, and then rename it to .old. Then, restart Outlook to sync a new OST file to see the result. By default, the OST file is stored under:
In addition, if you are using the Windows 10 OS, please also try the following steps and then check if the issue persists:
1. Browse to the OST file location as above.
2. Right click on the file and choose Properties.
3. Select the Security tab > Click the Edit button.
4. Select your user account and give yourself Full control permission.
5. Press OK until all dialogs are closed.
6. Start Outlook again.
If above doesn't help, we may try creating a new mail profile in Control Panel and reconfigure your email account in the new profile to see the result. For your convenience:
Hope this helps.
Steve Fan
TechNet Community Support