powershell excport-mailbox text file with search criteria
I'm trying to write a script that will use export-mailbox -AllContentKeyWords to search multiple mailboxes for muiltiple criteria. I have about 4 subjects that I need to search for, I will use the -allcontentkeywords just in case it isn't in
the subject. I have a text file with the list of mailboxes to be searched and I have a text file with content to search for but I don't know how to format the text file for content. Do I seperate it by semicolon or linebreak...???
August 25th, 2011 9:01pm
Hi The_Messenger,
You could use the comma. LIKE
-allcontentkeywords "a","b"
But the identity could not use the comma to contains multiple mailbox, then you could use
Import-csv to import the csv, and then use export-mailbox do it with foreach.
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August 26th, 2011 6:19am
Thanks Gavin, commas worked.
I used a csv file for the subjects and for the usernames.
August 26th, 2011 9:06am