/preparedomain Child Domain warns about root RUS
Root domain is place holder only, all Exchange servers and mbx accounts reside in Child domain. ie NO recipient RUS configured for the root domain.
Just wanted to verify that we are good to go forward with Server install into Child domain.
The AD team ran the following with no Errors/Warnings.
When performing /preparedomain:adtest.ad.lab theyreceive the following warning
[1/9/2007 1:16:24 PM] [1] Beginning processing.[1/9/2007 1:16:47 PM] [1] [WARNING] Cannot find the Recipient Update Service responsible for domain 'DC=ad,DC=lab'. New and existing users may not be properly Exchange-enabled.[1/9/2007 1:16:47 PM] [1] Ending processing.[1/9/2007 1:16:47 PM] [0] Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server[1/9/2007 1:16:47 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.[1/9/2007 1:16:47 PM] [0] The command-line option preparedomain has been specified.[1/9/2007 1:16:47 PM] [0] Because the command-line option preparedomain was specified, setup is adding the argument PrepareDomain.[1/9/2007 1:16:47 PM] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value xxxExchangeLab.[1/9/2007 1:16:47 PM] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument Domain to the value adtest.ad.lab.[1/9/2007 1:16:47 PM] [0] **************[1/9/2007 1:16:47 PM] [0] Setup will run the task 'Install-ExchangeOrganization'[1/9/2007 1:16:47 PM] [1] Setup launched task 'Install-ExchangeOrganization -DomainController 'labdndcr02.ad.lab' -OrganizationName 'xxxExchangeLab' -PrepareDomain $true -Domain 'adtest.ad.lab'' [1/9/2007 1:16:47 PM] [1] Beginning processing.[1/9/2007 1:16:50 PM] [1] Loaded component 'Domain-specific AD Configuration' with 1 task info blocks from 'res://DomainGlobalConfig.xml'[1/9/2007 1:16:50 PM] [1] Writing informational script to 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\Install-ExchangeOrganization-20070109-1316500436.ps1'
1). We have no Root RUS so I'm not too concerned with this Warning, do you Concur? can we move forward with Server installations?
2). PrepareAD seems to be required and also seems to prepare the Local Root Domain. Did we Prep correctly or are we missing something here?
January 10th, 2007 1:38am
Since Exchange Server 2007 is not use RUS Object anymore.Exchange 2007 has a new predefined Exchange Administrator role called Exchange Recipient Administrators. This role contains permissions to manage the e-mail attributes of all users.
After you run this command, you must wait for the permissions to replicate across your Exchange organization before continuing to the next step. If the permissions have not replicated, the Recipient Update Service on your Exchange Server 2003 or Exchange 2000 Server computers could fail. The amount of time that replication takes depends on your Active Directory site topology
When you first run prepareAD it'll include prepareDomain in local domain.If you have any other domain which want to install exchange server 2007 you need run prepareDomain in local domain.
Run once in Root Domain:
Run once in every domain which want to install Exchagne Server 2007
Setup/prepareDomain Or
you can run Setup/prepareAllDomain for all AD Domain.
For more information please reference article:
Preparing Legacy Exchange Permissions
How to Prepare Active Directory and Domains
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January 11th, 2007 6:10am
Thanks Jammy, that helps.
Yes, prepareAD does need to run in the Root and prepares that local domain. This seems to be a little different thanEx03, our Root domain is a place holder only and Domain Prep was only ran on the child.
We obtained further information from the AD team, they say that preparedomain:child domain only Warn'd about the Root RUS, and then completed successfully.Since we have no Root RUS, I'm not surprised a Root RUS test would fail. We are going to move forward with Ex07 Server installation.
January 11th, 2007 6:27am
Glad the information is useful for you.
You can follow below step to check PrepareAD and PrepareDomain is successfully .
To verify PrepareAD completed successfully, make sure that there is a new organizational unit (OU) in the root domain called Microsoft Exchange Security Groups. This OU should contain the following new Exchange Universal Security Groups:
Exchange Organization Administrators
Exchange Recipient Administrators
Exchange View-Only Administrators
Exchange Servers
To verify PrepareAD completed successfully
have a new global group in the Microsoft Exchange System Objects container called Exchange Install Domain Servers
The Exchange2007 Domain Servers group is a member of the Exchange Servers USG in the root domain.
On each domain controller in a domain in which you will install Exchange 2007, the Exchange Servers USG has permissions on the Domain Controller Security Policy\Local Policies\User Rights Assignment\Manage Auditing and Security Log policy
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January 11th, 2007 7:02am