pst capture Console
Hi All,
I've Installed Pst Capture Console. I would like to import a pst file into a mailbox in Exchange Online.
In Tools\Settings\Online Connection, the check password & connectivity is OK.
In a New Cloud Import List, i've selected a local pst file. For this pst file, I would like to select a mailbox by clicking on "Set mailbox" but... the Pst Capture Console doesn't retrieve the Exchange online mailboxes.
What's wrong?
Pst Capture Tools is installed on a Windows 7 Enterprise.
February 5th, 2012 8:37pm
What is the version of your Exchange Server? Office365?
I recommend you to post the issue in office365 forum to get better help.
PST, Time to Walk the Plank
Microsoft Exchange PST Capture
Xiu Zhang
TechNet Community Support
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February 7th, 2012 4:23am
Give it 10-15 minutes, it should populate - if it is still hasn't come up, please post relevant portion of the logs from %programdata%\microsoft\exchange\pst capture
February 9th, 2012 2:59pm
I let it sit for about 2 hours and it finally came up with the first 1000 or so mailboxes. However I have 20,000+ mailboxes on Office 365 and there doesn't seem to be any way to select one beside the first 1000. This this is bug?
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February 10th, 2012 8:00am
Especially in medium to large environments the ingestion is just part of the needed workflow.
We have published an interessting Whitepaper related to PST Migrations to Exchange 2010.
Happy reading :-)
February 12th, 2012 4:08am
+1 Elijah
This is the problem I encouter
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February 13th, 2012 2:39am
This is the content of my log:
10:36:27.109|Verbose|MailboxGetter |7 |AdHarvester: Mailbox harvest success - got 0 boxes
10:36:27.356|Warn |BposInfo |7 |No BPOS username set
10:36:56.491|Verbose|MSOnline365Helper |7 |CreateSession : Called
10:36:57.713|Warn |MSOnline365Helper |7 |CreateSession: Bpos credentials not set - cannot create Office365 PS Session
10:36:57.716|Verbose|MSOnline365Helper |7 |DisposeSession : Called
But in Tools\Settings, I've connectivity test is OK. So I don't understand....
February 13th, 2012 2:43am
I'm in the same environment as Elijah and I am seeing the exact behavior he described.
Are there any updates on this?
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February 14th, 2012 2:36pm
Elijah -
For online only, I'm looking to see if there is a workaround for this. When get-mailbox runs, the default is to specify only the first 1,000 objects. If you have -unlimited specified, it will return the entire result set. I will track this
issue internally.
For on-prem, this does not appear to be an issue.
February 15th, 2012 3:57pm
As indicated by Peter, if you have multiple thousands of PSTs to migrate, you have more than ingestion to worry about.
1. You'll need to manage upload out of hours to minimize network impact.
2. The sheer bulk of data to be transferred will take a long old time.
3. Keeping track of progress, any failures etc, over this time period will be challenging to say the least.
See also Tony Redmonds latest blog in which he resonates with these kind of issues.
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February 17th, 2012 10:43am
We've got an Exchange 2003 server that is on crap hardware and is basically on dialup network speed so we're going to use ExMerge to dump the PSTs and then take them on external drive to our FIOS connection offsite and dump them into our new Office365 account.
I'm doing some testing with old PSTs and I can't get PST Capture to connect to the Office 365 account.
I've setup the online connection section and it connects...then manually added a test PST and clicked set mailbox, but it's empty.
Running Windows 7 64, Outlook 64...but the machine is stand alone and not attached to any domain. I can't pull the server since it's also their file server...and figured that there'd be an easier way to dump 20 x 5GB PSTs into their new Office365 accounts.
Is there a hack to get around the member domain issue?...and is that the main problem?
March 22nd, 2012 2:36am
Has there been any resolution to this? We've seen the same problem.
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June 3rd, 2012 11:37am
I have the same issue. I had to wait over an hour for the mailbox selection to populate, and I only have 3 in my 365 account! I am trying to test this tool to use it in a migration to 365, but I do not understand why it takes so long to query the Online
Exchange server for a user list!
June 4th, 2012 2:59pm