re installing exchange 2007
I am testing out exchange 2007 in a lab enviroment
I have a 3 servers, they are the active directory DC/exchange 2007/edge transport server.
It all works perfectly, e-mail flows in and out fine.
I want to do a restore of the exchange server , this is what i get on running the recover command, someone must have come across this before , an MVP must be able to help me ;please.
If i dont get an answer the only alternative is to install lotus notes or kerio mail servers
C:\Exchange setup x-86 edition\exchange_2007_x86> /m:recoverserver /do
Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Unattended Setup
Preparing Exchange Setup
Copying Setup Files ......................... COMPLETED
The following Server Roles will be recovered
Hub Transport Role
Client Access Role
Mailbox Role
Management Tools
Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check
Hub Transport Role Checks ......................... COMPLETED
Client Access Role Checks ......................... COMPLETED
Mailbox Role Checks ......................... COMPLETED
Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server
Copying Exchange Files ......................... COMPLETED
Hub Transport Server Role ......................... COMPLETED
Client Access Role ......................... FAILED
The operation could not be performed because 'owa (Default Web Site)' could
not be found on
The Exchange Server setup operation did not complete. Visit http://support.micro and enter the Error ID to find more information.
Exchange Server setup encountered an error.
May 18th, 2007 6:32pm
Don't know if it is the same issue I have seen before or not, but the solution for others having problems with respect to the OWA (Default Web Site) were solved by removing/re-installing the CAS role.It is worth a try!Hope that helps!Have a good one!smooter
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May 18th, 2007 10:33pm
so how do i go about this please
May 21st, 2007 3:21pm