I have an exchange 2010 on server 2008 R2 I need to reconfigure Exchange 2010 to use FQDN so I can get rid of the popup that says my xyz.loc is not valid
I have the new certificate installed and it seems fine send and receive mail outside the local network everything seems ok also it is just inside where I get the popup that tells me my xyz.loc is not trusted.
If I can at least get pointed to the right direction that would be great some said self signed certificate but Im thinking exchange uses only one certificate. I have heard split dns so internal sees the external FQDN and directs it to the inside ip
when I came across this I was thinking this would work but when I got to thinking about it my internal owa.xyz.org does not resolve internally so it couldn't work am sure I am overlooking something and I want to get it figured out before I make any changes so it works right aqway
EMC > Server Configuration > Client Access > OWA tab > OWA > Properties >
Change Internal URL from .local/owa to com/owa
EPC tab > EPC > Properties >
Change Internal URL from .local/epc to com/epc
Exchange ActiveSync tab > Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync > Properties >
Change Internal URL from .local/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync to .com/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync
Recycled MSExchangeAutodiscoverAppPool and restart Outlook.