review server-based email rules
Hi. Is it possible for an administrator to review the Exchange server-based rules set up from Outlook clients? I suspect one of our staff has set up an inappropriate email auto-forward rule and I want to track downwho has done this. We are an Exchange 2K3/Win2K3/Office2K3. Thanks for any suggestions.
October 8th, 2008 6:36am
Clarify: Query the auto forward rule on users mailbox
By increasing diagnostic logging on rules, all we can know is what rules are being fired. But there is no way on the server where we can find specifically users who are using auto forward rules.
However, if the rules are server side (stored on mailbox), we can export the rules from a mailbox using ExMerge, import them in another blank mailbox and check the rules. This would be some manual work though, but is the best bet to find out server side rules being used by a user.
If what you concerned is, automatic forward outside the organization can be also prevented if we ensure that Allow Automatic Forward is unchecked in the ESM [KB 266166]
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October 8th, 2008 1:10pm