search-mailbox -searchquery does not work
I am testing being able to search the dumpster and restore email. I can search a user's mailbox without the "-searchquery" option, but not matter what I put in the "-searchquery" it always fails. Here is what I get every time. I have rebuilt
the database indexes too.
this is driving me crazy.
Search Failed on mailbox 'domain\username\c8f1ff17-1740-4f5f-90c9-575bd8ae4760'. If the search query used sh
ort words with wildcard(s) such as pat*, it can result in a large number of words or phrases because all permutations o
f words starting with "pat" are searched. Make search queries as specific as possible when using wildcards.
+ CategoryInfo : ReadError: (0:Int32) [Search-Mailbox], SearchMailboxException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : 96277B61,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.SearchMailboxNetwork Touch
July 7th, 2011 3:12pm
Hi NetworkToch,
Could you please post the cmdlets you run, and we could do more research about it.
About advanced Query Syntax when you use the parameter searchquery:
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July 8th, 2011 1:35am
This is the command I have been running.
[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\scripts>search-mailbox username -searchquery "R3C0v3ry T3st" -searchdumpsteronly -targetmailbox username2 -targetfolder usernametest'
It was failing with the following error. I could run it without the "-searchquery" option and it would give results. Anything with "-searchquery" gave the following error.
Search Failed on mailbox 'domain\username\55183f99-70b2-464e-9649-9d561aaddd92'. If the search query used short w
ords with wildcard(s) such as pat*, it can result in a large number of words or phrases because all permutations of wor
ds starting with "pat" are searched. Make search queries as specific as possible when using wildcards.
+ CategoryInfo : ReadError: (0:Int32) [Search-Mailbox], SearchMailboxException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : 4DE8F735,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.SearchMailbox
I have more info now. We do have a dag setup. I could not run this command yesterday, but after we failed the databases over to another site (testing), then I could run the command successfully. I am assuming because the indexes might not
working correctly on certain databases at the primary site? Is that possible?
How do indexes work in a dag environment? Is each database indexed separately or are the indexes replicated just like the databases are?
How do I reindex databases in a dag environment? Can you provide setup-by-step?
If you don't think the indexes are the problem, then what else could it be? When we fail back over to the primary site next week I will try the search-mailbox again to see if it works.
any ideas?Network Touch
July 8th, 2011 9:49am
Hi Network Touch,
Per your description, the database index seems has some issue, about how to check it, please refer to below:
About how to rebuild it, please refer to below:
Understanding the exchange search:
If you have new update, please post here, we could do more research about it.
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July 11th, 2011 1:45am