Yes, you can see multiple PST File:
Press Ctrl + E >> Select All Mail Items>> Right click on arrange by & select Outlook Data File
Thanks & Regards
Clark Kent
I am using Outlook 2010. The working of both Outlook 2010 and 2013 are same. But, when I did it practically, it worked.
See here for more information: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_2010-outlook/does-outlook-2010-support-searching-multiple-pst/6aeba67f-65f2-45aa-b6ee-13c543a6ebd8?auth=1
If you still not able to find the multiple PST File simultaneously, then you should move on any PST finder Tool.
Either "All Outlook Items" or "All Mailboxes" should work. Do you have all the PST files open in Outlook? All PST files should be opened in Outlook to make instant search work.
If we try searching in one of the PST files for an existing key words, does it return any matched results?
If you already have PST files opened, please go to File > Options > Search > Indexing Options >Advanced button > File Types tab, scroll down and check if you have PST file type involved in indexing.
Please let me know the result.
Steve Fan
Forum Support
Thank you for the update. Just as you guess, the larger the pst-file and the more items it contains, the longer it will take for it to complete indexing. Large PST file may cause several unexpected errors, it's recommended to separate the large pst-files into multiple smaller pst-files.
Steve Fan
Forum Support