send a word attachment boggling issue
so this one is weird and I hope someone might be able to help me out.
I have a word attachment that was created by a customer oneof ours and is trying to send that to people in our company. For what ever reason that attachement is not coming through. I see it hit our exchange server via the message tracking but it doesn't say that is coming from our customer, it says its coming from postmaster@domainname.comthough is never delivered to the person.
There is nothing special about this word doc, its only aout 100k in size. I've tried zipping it and that didn't work.
Now were it gets weird...
I've open the doc (had it sent to a persional account) and it has no macro's or anything that our spam filter would grab onto. Upin further trial and error I found that the customer places a table of 3 rows and colums ni the document. In the first row/colum the is the words "Date:" typed exackly the way I'm typing it there. With the colen. If I remove the "Date:" from this 1st row/colum then email it as an attchachment it goes through just fine. If I open it again and place the "Date:" in that same spot.. it does not go through. I've tried send a blank word file with a table of rows and columns with the "Date: in the same spotand it does not go through either.
has anyone seen this or have any idea of how to trouble shoot this?
thanks in advance
August 30th, 2007 12:24am
What company makes your spyware/malware/virus/spam detection?
What version of Exchange?
Exchange itself is most likely not the cuprit here.
Have you reviewed all the rules of your security software? Is there a message body content rule that could be doing this?
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August 30th, 2007 7:21pm
you are right.. it was my spam appliance that was the issue..
September 3rd, 2007 6:39pm