send as via ad
If you grant someone full mailbox access to a mailbox via active directory, does this then give them "send as rights", or send on behalf as rights.
Is there anyway to give a user send as rights, but not let them see the contents of the inbox?
Has anyone any good articles or MS KB articles on the potential issues of using send as, i appreciate the non repudiation, but I cant find many links to back this up.
July 8th, 2011 7:49am
>> If you grant someone full mailbox access to a mailbox via active directory, does this then give them "send as rights", or send on behalf as rights.
No it does not, it gives them full access rights.
Yes give them send as right, either via EMC or Powershell
Add-ADPermission -identity mailboxDN -User "DOMAIN\Username" -ExtendedRights "Send-as"
With kind regards
Krystian Zieja
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July 8th, 2011 8:07am
>> If you grant someone full mailbox access to a mailbox via active directory, does this then give them "send as rights", or send on behalf as rights.
No it does not, it gives them full access rights.
Yes give them send as right, either via EMC or Powershell
Add-ADPermission -identity mailboxDN -User "DOMAIN\Username" -ExtendedRights "Send-as"
With kind regards
Krystian Zieja
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Are you sure?
I just gave a group full mailbox access and they can send as. I didnt spcifically go in EMC or powershell and grant a send as permission.
July 8th, 2011 8:13am