server side auto reply
I would like to set up an auto reply for a specific email account.We would like to set it up as a server side rule, not a client side rule.
Any one know how to do this?
September 6th, 2007 7:26pm
Hi Michelle,
I'm not sure if you using Exchange 2007, but with EX2007 you can set this in the Organizational Settings > Mailbox and then use the different agents.
Hub transport rulesYou configure the Transport Rules agent on the Hub Transport server role to create rules that are applied to messages that are sent to or from users in the organization. The Hub Transport rules help control communications that are affected by regulatory compliance and corporate policy requirements. These rules are stored in the ActiveDirectory directory service and are available to, and are applied by, all Hub Transport servers. Hub Transport rules support an extended set of conditions, letting you control message flow based on distribution groups, internal or external recipients, message classifications, and message importance. Actions determine how the message is processed when a specified condition is true. Possible actions include applying a message classification, appending disclaimer text, redirecting the message to an address, removing the message header, or logging an event. Optional exceptions exempt particular messages from having an action applied.By using Hub Transport rules, you can create regulatory ethical walls to limit communications between internal departments where conflicts of interest may exist, and you can protect your company and clients against privacy invasion.
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September 6th, 2007 9:08pm
Exchange 2003, but good to know for when we upgrade to 2007.
September 6th, 2007 9:15pm
Hi Michelle,
First make sure auto-reply is enabled on the server (disabled by default):
Exchange System Manager -> Global Settings -> Internet Message Formats -> Right Click the Default and choose properties. Go to the Advanced Tab and mark "Allow automatic replies"
Now log into the mailbox of the account and make a new rule in Outlook. The "have server replyusing a specific message" option should work now.
Now Ihave tofigure out how to auto-reply with a different mail address myself
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October 16th, 2007 2:01pm
I have Exchange 2007, and already enable "Allow Automatic replies" then I chack "have server replyusing a specific message" in outlook, but still not available.
also I tried to creat a new transport rule but I didn't found how to creat Automatic replay....
Hope to find the help soon.
April 2nd, 2008 12:16pm