setting up child/sub domain emails
I am fairly uncertain as to the answer to this riddle. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Heres the case: currently, we have internally and externally, so we have split DNS. We have a primary FMSO/Global DC and a secondary DC. We do not have any child domains. All of our employees use as email. Ive been asked if we can set up some external users (not employees um, yeah, dont ask) so that they can have an email in the following format: In order to be able to do this, will I have to run dcpromo on the domain controller and set up the child domain in AD before being able to set up the email in exchange? Or is there a way to do this in exchange without having to mess with the domain controller or AD? What exactly is required to have this functionality? I should mention that they want over 100 child domains (,, etc..). Thanks so much in advance.
June 26th, 2009 6:01pm

HI, Per my knowledge you can achieve your goal as below1) Configure your External DNS servers for multiple domains2)Configure Accepted domains3) Create Email Address policyRegardsChinthaka
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June 26th, 2009 7:40pm

sargeant,You are correct, you will need to create a child domain. You do not want external users/people in your production AD environment.In order to do this you will need to perform the following:1. Create a new Child AD domain (like you mentioned above) child.domain.com2. In Active Directory sites and services make sure that your parent domain and child domain reside in the same site (unless you want to deploy additional CAS/HUB servers)3. Prep the new Child domain for Exchange 2007 (setup /preparedomain)4. Deploy Exchange 2007 mailbox Server in the Child domain5. Configure OWA in the parent domain how ever you like it.That's high level but since all the Exchange Servers for the parent and child are in the same AD site Exchange will be able to route OWA traffic to the backend child Mail server so external users could have access to your exchange environment with the url @child.domain.comHope this makes since. really the trick to it is Sites and services. You could creae a seperate AD site for the child domain but then you woudl require a mailbox server and then a Hub/CAS server. Much easier to keep them all in the same site.enjoy!SF - MCITP:EMA, MCTS
June 27th, 2009 4:27pm

One question Please I have already exchange Server with front end/backend Server environment. Now I want to add exchange server in child domain. I think there is no requirement of new front end server. We can add new site in same front end server. Please let me know what is the benifit of creating new site for new Server? As we can keep this server with same site as parent.
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June 29th, 2009 9:41am

HI, When you install exchange server in different site, Users where reside in that site can access that exchange server without routing to parent site. Then minimize bandwidth utilization between sites and easy administration. If you place new exchange server in different site you must install at least one Global Catalog server there. Please refer below articles. Planning for Site Consolidation ==================== Planning Your Exchange Infrastructure =========================
June 29th, 2009 11:45am

Hi,Why did you try the Chinthaka suggestions? That is the easy way to achieve your need compared with set up the actual child domain.ThanksAllen
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 29th, 2009 12:11pm

Hi,Why did you try the Chinthaka suggestions? That is the easy way to achieve your need compared with set up the actual child domain.ThanksAllen HI, Just toclarify above sentence "Why did you try or Why didn't try? I think bit typo :)Regards Chinthaka
June 29th, 2009 12:21pm

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