heres my install msg exchagne 2010 on and server 2012 r2 domain.
i dont want to reload the DC but its looking more and more like im going to have to ..
length of the access control list exceed the allowed
and heres the last part of the exchange setup logs
05/29/2015 22:15:05.0523] [1] [ERROR] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
if ($RolePrepareAllDomains)
initialize-DomainPermissions -AllDomains:$true -CreateTenantRoot:($RoleIsDatacenter -or $RoleIsPartnerHosted);
elseif ($RoleDomain -ne $null)
initialize-DomainPermissions -Domain $RoleDomain -CreateTenantRoot:($RoleIsDatacenter -or $RoleIsPartnerHosted);
initialize-DomainPermissions -CreateTenantRoot:($RoleIsDatacenter -or $RoleIsPartnerHosted);
" was run: "Length of the access control list exceed the allowed maximum.".
[05/29/2015 22:15:05.0523] [1] [ERROR] Length of the access control list exceed the allowed maximum.
[05/29/2015 22:15:05.0523] [1] [ERROR-REFERENCE] Id=DomainGlobalConfig___27a706ffe123425f9ee60cb02b930e81 Component=EXCHANGE14:\Current\Release\Shared\Datacenter\Setup
[05/29/2015 22:15:05.0539] [1] Setup is stopping now because of one or more critical errors.
[05/29/2015 22:15:05.0539] [1] Finished executing component tasks.
[05/29/2015 22:15:05.0570] [1] Ending processing Install-ExchangeOrganization
[05/29/2015 22:19:55.0793] [0] End of Setup
[05/29/2015 22:19:55.0793] [0] **********************************************
bending my head over this one.. yes i have been all over google.. and get the same soulition and well it doesnt work for me..
or maybe im doing something wrong..