I'd like to be able to sync my outlook calendar and contacts between my PC desktop running Windows 7 Pro and office 2010 Pro and the outlook from office 365 on my surface pro 3.
I realize this could probably be resolved if I had an exchange server, but my problem is that I don't use Exchange Server as my email server. I host my own Email Server running Postfix and dovecot.
I'm wondering if there are any other way to get around this problem without having to pay for a third party software
Thank you very much in advance
I host my own Email Server running Postfix and dovecot.
I'm wondering if there are any other way to get around this problem without having to pay for a third party software.
In that case; No.
IMAP doesn't support synching of Calendar and Contacts folders, only email.
However, there are various other open source mail servers available which do support synching of Calendar and Contacts folders via their own connector.
Hi Robert,
Thank you for replying.
Sorry for being so slow to catch what you meant there. just wondering why synching outlook calendar and contact has got to do with the IMAP Server. I mean all the contacts and events on the calendar are actually living on the outlook, not on the email server. I'm not synching the emails but contacts and calendar.
Thank you very much in advance
If you don't want a tool, then you will have to configure an account which supports sync of Calendars and Contacts, then move the local Outlook items into the accounts. Then all devices which the account is configured on will sync the calendars and contacts.
If I misunderstood anything, please let me know. I'm also looking forward to Robert's suggestion.
Melon Chen
TechNet Community Su