test-mailflow (local) failure
Our environment consists of a CCR exchange 2007 cluster with several mailbox databases.
Last week we installed Rollup 4 and now test-mailflow does not work anymore. (Local and remote)
Although these tests are failing,we do not encounter other problems.
Any idea's how to troubleshoot or how to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance
November 4th, 2008 12:53pm
Hi Carla,
Can you post the output of Test-MailFlow here?
Additionally, check if you have any error in event log and post here.
Run ExBPA and check if it indicates anything related.
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November 4th, 2008 6:26pm
Hi Amit,
the output of test-mailflow while logged in on the active cluster nodegives the following result.
> test-mailflow
TestMailflowResult MessageLatencyTime IsRemoteTest------------------ ------------------ ------------*FAILURE* 00:00:00 False
There are no special events in the eventlog. Best practice analyzer does not show any related things.
Any other things that can be checked ?
November 5th, 2008 11:22am
Issue description: Test-Mailflow doesnt work anymore after installed RU 4
Test-Mailflow cmdlet diagnoses whether mail can be successfully sent from the System Mailbox mailbox on the first MDB and delivered to itself or other Mailbox servers
1. Please try to run the following cmdlets, they may give us more info about error
Test-Mailflow debug verbose | FL
Test-mailflow -ErrorLatency:1 -ExecutionTimeout:1 -MonitoringContexttrue = -verbose | FL
2. Verify Mailbox server has a System Mailbox mailbox for each MDB that exists on the server
3. Verify the account that is used to run Test-Mailflow has the following permission
Exchange Server Administrator role
Local Administrators group for the server where the cmdlet is run
4. Check the HomeMDB attribute of the System Mailbox mailboxes on the ADSIEditor
a. Launch ADSIEditor
b. Expand Domain|DC=xx,DC,xx|CN=Microsoft Exchange System Objects
c. Double-click CN=SystemMailbox{xxxx} on the right-pane, and check their homeMDB attribute
Notes: It shall look like CN=Mailbox Database,CN=First Storage Group,CN=InformationStore,CN=ServerName,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=DomainName,DC=com
5. On the HUB, check if test mail got delivered by using Message tracking
Get-Messagetrackinglog -Sender "SystemMailboxAddress" -Start "11/06/2008 7:42:00PM" -End "11/11/2008 7:52:00 PM"
Notes: You can find System Mailbox Address from the location as step 4, in the ProxyAddress attribute
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November 6th, 2008 6:29am
Hello, thanks for your reply.
Here is the information you have requested :
[PS] C:\TEMP > Test-Mailflow -debug -verbose | FLVERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Beginning processing.VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Searching objects "ICTS-S-EXC1-CA" of type "Server"under the root "$null".VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Previous operation run on domain controller'ICTS-S-DC2.luna.kuleuven.be'.VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Searching objects"SystemMailbox{62b76e08-f067-464c-9b75-294a89f627d2}" of type "ADSystemMailbox"under the root "$null".VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Previous operation run on global catalog server'ICTS-S-DC2.luna.kuleuven.be'.
ConfirmAre you sure you want to perform this action?Testing mail flow. Yes Yes to All No [L] No to All Suspend [?] Help(default is "Y"):y
TestMailflowResult : *FAILURE*MessageLatencyTime : 00:00:00IsRemoteTest : False
VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Ending processing.
[PS] C:\temp>Test-Mailflow -errorlatency:1 -ExecutionTimeout:1 -MonitoringContext $true -verbose |flVERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Beginning processing.VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Searching objects "ICTS-S-EXC1-CA" of type "Server"under the root "$null".VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Previous operation run on domain controller'ICTS-S-DC2.luna.kuleuven.be'.VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Searching objects"SystemMailbox{62b76e08-f067-464c-9b75-294a89f627d2}" of type "ADSystemMailbox"under the root "$null".VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Previous operation run on global catalog server'ICTS-S-DC2.luna.kuleuven.be'.VERBOSE: Testing mail flow.
TestMailflowResult : *FAILURE*MessageLatencyTime : 00:00:00IsRemoteTest : False
Events : {Source: MSExchange Monitoring Mailflow Local Id: 1002 Type: Error Message: The delivery receipt for the test message from I CTS-S-EXC1-CA\SystemMailbox{62B76E08-F067-464C-9B75-294A8 9F627D2}@luna.kuleuven.be to ICTS-S-EXC1-CA\SystemMailbox {62B76E08-F067-464C-9B75-294A89F627D2}@luna.kuleuven.be w as not received within the error latency timeout of 1 sec onds. The cmdlet will keep waiting until the execution ti meout or the arrival of the delivery receipt., Source: MS Exchange Monitoring Mailflow Local Id: 1001 Type: Error Message: The delivery receipt for the test message from I CTS-S-EXC1-CA\SystemMailbox{62B76E08-F067-464C-9B75-294A8 9F627D2}@luna.kuleuven.be to ICTS-S-EXC1-CA\SystemMailbox {62B76E08-F067-464C-9B75-294A89F627D2}@luna.kuleuven.be w as not received within the execution timeout of 1 seconds . The cmdlet will not wait any longer for the delivery re ceipt.}PerformanceCounters : {Object: MSExchange Monitoring Mailflow Local Counter: Mailflow Latency Instance: ICTS-S-EXC1-CA Value: -1}
VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Ending processing.
[PS] C:\temp>
A System mailbox exists for each MDB that exist.
The account which I currently use to execute the cmdlet test-mailflow has Exchange organization administrator role en is local admin on the server.
These tests are also executed by SCOM. In the past SCOM never reported problems about test-mailflow. It is since the upgrade that we are receiving these errors reports in SCOM.
[PS] C:\temp>Test-Mailflow -errorlatency:1 -ExecutionTimeout:10 -MonitoringContext $true -verbose |flVERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Beginning processing.VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Searching objects "ICTS-S-EXC1-CA" of type "Server" under the root"$null".VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Previous operation run on domain controller 'ICTS-S-DC2.luna.kuleuven.be'.VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Searching objects "SystemMailbox{62b76e08-f067-464c-9b75-294a89f627d2}" oftype "ADSystemMailbox" under the root "$null".VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Previous operation run on global catalog server'ICTS-S-DC2.luna.kuleuven.be'.VERBOSE: Testing mail flow.
TestMailflowResult : *FAILURE*MessageLatencyTime : 00:00:00IsRemoteTest : False
Events : {Source: MSExchange Monitoring Mailflow Local Id: 1002 Type: Error Message: The delivery receipt for the test message from ICTS-S-EXC1-CA\System Mailbox{62B76E08-F067-464C-9B75-294A89F627D2}@luna.kuleuven.be to ICTS-S-EXC1 -CA\SystemMailbox{62B76E08-F067-464C-9B75-294A89F627D2}@luna.kuleuven.be was not received within the error latency timeout of 1 seconds. The cmdlet will k eep waiting until the execution timeout or the arrival of the delivery receip t., Source: MSExchange Monitoring Mailflow Local Id: 1001 Type: Error Message: The delivery receipt for the test message from ICTS-S-EXC1-CA\System Mailbox{62B76E08-F067-464C-9B75-294A89F627D2}@luna.kuleuven.be to ICTS-S-EXC1 -CA\SystemMailbox{62B76E08-F067-464C-9B75-294A89F627D2}@luna.kuleuven.be was not received within the execution timeout of 10 seconds. The cmdlet will not wait any longer for the delivery receipt.}PerformanceCounters : {Object: MSExchange Monitoring Mailflow Local Counter: Mailflow Latency Instance: ICTS-S-EXC1-CA Value: -1}
VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Ending processing.
[PS] C:\temp>Get-Messagetrackinglog -Sender "SystemMailbox{62B76E08-F067-464C-9B75-294A89F627D2}@luna.kuleuven.be" -Start "06/11/2008 11:43:00AM" -End "11/11/2008 7:52:00 PM" |fl
Timestamp : 6/11/2008 11:43:58ClientIp : : ICTS-S-EXC1-CAServerIp :ServerHostname : ICTS-S-HUB-N2SourceContext : MDB:62b76e08-f067-464c-9b75-294a89f627d2, Mailbox:b101c1d0-15c5-4c3b-943c -42de8414d272, Event:18058537, MessageClass:IPM.Note, CreationTime:2008-1 1-06T10:43:56.861Z, ClientType:AdministratorConnectorId :Source : STOREDRIVEREventId : SUBMITInternalMessageId :MessageId : <45A5BCB7A9330A4A89116150F104AA391A4ADACB5F@ICTS-S-EXC1-CA.luna.kuleuven. be>Recipients : {}RecipientStatus : {}TotalBytes :RecipientCount :RelatedRecipientAddress :Reference :MessageSubject : Test-Mailflow d2cfa041-9ca5-4b14-9993-9c19cecc9894 66c7004a-6860-44b2-983 a-327aa3c9cfecSender : SystemMailbox{62B76E08-F067-464C-9B75-294A89F627D2}@luna.kuleuven.beReturnPath :MessageInfo :
Thanks in advance for your help
November 6th, 2008 1:53pm
I saw that you have the Submit message, but not the following Delivery and Receive messages
Could you confirm the Test-Mailflow cmdlet is ok before RU4? Please check if all exchange related services is running properly [Here]
Check on the application log, see if theres any warning or information that related to the RU
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November 7th, 2008 6:01am
There were no related messages in the application eventlog.
I never tested the Test-mailflow cmdlet manually before RU4. The reason why I am trying it now, is because SCOM is reporting errors about Local mailflow transactions failures en remote mailflow transaction failures.
The most logical step to troubleshoot was to run the local test-mailflow test manually on the mailbox server, to see what happens. As we never received these errors in the past from SCOM, I guess that these tests were working properly.
Thanks for your help.
November 7th, 2008 10:50am
Sorry, but the get-message tracking was not complete. I checked for the specific messageId on all the HUB servers, and the RECEIVE and deliver were found.
[PS] C:\>get-messagetrackinglog -Server "ICTS-S-HUB-N2" -MessageID "<45A5BCB7A9330A4A89116150F104AA391A4ADACB5F@ICTS-S-EXC1-CA.luna.kuleuven.be>" -Start "6/11/2008 11:33:00" -End "6/11/2008 11:53:00" |fl
Timestamp : 6/11/2008 11:43:57ClientIp : : ICTS-S-EXC1-CA.luna.kuleuven.beServerIp : : ICTS-S-HUB-N2SourceContext :ConnectorId :Source : STOREDRIVEREventId : RECEIVEInternalMessageId : 780847MessageId : <45A5BCB7A9330A4A89116150F104AA391A4ADACB5F@ICTS-S-EX C1-CA.luna.kuleuven.be>Recipients : {SystemMailbox{62B76E08-F067-464C-9B75-294A89F627D2}@ luna.kuleuven.be}RecipientStatus : {}TotalBytes : 5859RecipientCount : 1RelatedRecipientAddress :Reference :MessageSubject : Test-Mailflow d2cfa041-9ca5-4b14-9993-9c19cecc9894 66 c7004a-6860-44b2-983a-327aa3c9cfecSender : SystemMailbox{62B76E08-F067-464C-9B75-294A89F627D2}@l una.kuleuven.beReturnPath : SystemMailbox{62B76E08-F067-464C-9B75-294A89F627D2}@l una.kuleuven.beMessageInfo : 04I:
Timestamp : 6/11/2008 11:43:57ClientIp :ClientHostname : ICTS-S-HUB-N2ServerIp :ServerHostname : icts-s-exc1-caSourceContext :ConnectorId :Source : STOREDRIVEREventId : DELIVERInternalMessageId : 780847MessageId : <45A5BCB7A9330A4A89116150F104AA391A4ADACB5F@ICTS-S-EX C1-CA.luna.kuleuven.be>Recipients : {SystemMailbox{62B76E08-F067-464C-9B75-294A89F627D2}@ luna.kuleuven.be}RecipientStatus : {}TotalBytes : 6104RecipientCount : 1RelatedRecipientAddress :Reference :MessageSubject : Test-Mailflow d2cfa041-9ca5-4b14-9993-9c19cecc9894 66 c7004a-6860-44b2-983a-327aa3c9cfecSender : SystemMailbox{62B76E08-F067-464C-9B75-294A89F627D2}@l una.kuleuven.beReturnPath : SystemMailbox{62B76E08-F067-464C-9B75-294A89F627D2}@l una.kuleuven.beMessageInfo : 6/11/2008 11:43:57
[PS] C:\>
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November 7th, 2008 11:11am
Do you have other tips how to solve the test-mailflow problem?
I'vetested on alsothe HUB servers. They also have an exchangembx roleinstalled for the public folder database(free/busy information).
The same result as with the CCR cluster:
[PS] C:\Documents and Settings\x0047197>Test-Mailflow -ErrorLatency:60 -Debug |flVERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Beginning processing.
ConfirmContinue with this operation? Yes Yes to All Halt Command Suspend [?] Help(default is "Y"):AVERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Searching objects "ICTS-S-HUB-N1" of type "Server"under the root "$null".VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Previous operation run on domain controller'ICTS-S-DC2.luna.kuleuven.be'.VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Searching objects"SystemMailbox{23297d79-7cb5-45f2-ab57-cccf461cd92d}" of type "ADSystemMailbox"under the root "$null".VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Previous operation run on global catalog server'ICTS-S-DC1.luna.kuleuven.be'.
ConfirmAre you sure you want to perform this action?Testing mail flow. Yes Yes to All No [L] No to All Suspend [?] Help(default is "Y"):A
TestMailflowResult : *FAILURE*MessageLatencyTime : 00:00:00IsRemoteTest : False
VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Ending processing.
[PS] C:\Documents and Settings\x0047197>Test-Mailflow -errorlatency:1 -ExecutionTimeout:1 -Verbose | flVERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Beginning processing.VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Searching objects "ICTS-S-HUB-N1" of type "Server"under the root "$null".VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Previous operation run on domain controller'ICTS-S-DC2.luna.kuleuven.be'.VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Searching objects"SystemMailbox{23297d79-7cb5-45f2-ab57-cccf461cd92d}" of type "ADSystemMailbox"under the root "$null".VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Previous operation run on global catalog server'ICTS-S-DC1.luna.kuleuven.be'.VERBOSE: Testing mail flow.
TestMailflowResult : *FAILURE*MessageLatencyTime : 00:00:00IsRemoteTest : False
VERBOSE: Test-Mailflow : Ending processing.
How can we check that the antivirus software or another processis not changing the test message?
Thanks for your help!
Kind regards,
Johan Schurmans
November 16th, 2008 3:49pm