test-outlookwebservices problem
hi all and thanks for the support. i'm facing a problem with test.outlookwebservices. notice that oulook side everything seems to be pretty good: the autodiscovery and auto-configuration of the account succeedes, the test email autoconfiguration suceedes too. when i launch the test, once it suceedes for certain services and after a while it fails for those services and suceedes for other. look the prints: here are failing the RPC tests
Message : [EXCH] The UM is configured for this user in the AutoDiscover response received from https://mytest-EXC1.
RunspaceId : b23edfa3-26f5-4a4c-8d55-fa8af40726b1
Id : 1016
Type : Information
Message : [EXPR] The AS is configured for this user in the AutoDiscover response received from https://mytest-EXC1.
RunspaceId : b23edfa3-26f5-4a4c-8d55-fa8af40726b1
Id : 1015
Type : Information
Message : [EXPR] The OAB is configured for this user in the AutoDiscover response received from https://mytest-EXC1
RunspaceId : b23edfa3-26f5-4a4c-8d55-fa8af40726b1
Id : 1014
Type : Information
Message : [EXPR] The UM is configured for this user in the AutoDiscover response received from https://mytest-EXC1.
RunspaceId : b23edfa3-26f5-4a4c-8d55-fa8af40726b1
Id : 1022
Type : Success
Message : Autodiscover was tested successfully.
RunspaceId : b23edfa3-26f5-4a4c-8d55-fa8af40726b1
Id : 1024
Type : Success
Message : [EXCH] Successfully contacted the AS service at https://mytest-exc1.mytest.local/EWS/Exchange.asmx. The
elapsed time was 31 milliseconds.
RunspaceId : b23edfa3-26f5-4a4c-8d55-fa8af40726b1
Id : 1026
Type : Success
Message : [EXCH] Successfully contacted the UM service at https://mytest-exc1.mytest.local/EWS/Exchange.asmx. The
elapsed time was 10 milliseconds.
RunspaceId : b23edfa3-26f5-4a4c-8d55-fa8af40726b1
Id : 1024
Type : Success
Message : [EXPR] Successfully contacted the AS service at https://mail.mytest.local/ews/exchange.asmx. The elapsed
time was 433 milliseconds.
RunspaceId : b23edfa3-26f5-4a4c-8d55-fa8af40726b1
Id : 1026
Type : Success
Message : [EXPR] Successfully contacted the UM service at https://mail.mytest.local/ews/exchange.asmx. The elapsed
time was 10 milliseconds.
RunspaceId : b23edfa3-26f5-4a4c-8d55-fa8af40726b1
Id : 1124
Type : Success
Message : [Server] Successfully contacted the AS service at https://mytest-exc1.mytest.local/ews/exchange.asmx. Th
e elapsed time was 20 milliseconds.
RunspaceId : b23edfa3-26f5-4a4c-8d55-fa8af40726b1
Id : 1126
Type : Success
Message : [Server] Successfully contacted the UM service at https://mytest-exc1.mytest.local/ews/exchange.asmx. Th
e elapsed time was 8 milliseconds.
RunspaceId : b23edfa3-26f5-4a4c-8d55-fa8af40726b1
Id : 1013
Type : Error
Message : When contacting https://mail.mytest.local/rpc received the error The remote server returned an error: (50
3) Server Unavailable.
RunspaceId : b23edfa3-26f5-4a4c-8d55-fa8af40726b1
Id : 1029
Type : Error
Message : [EXPR] Error contacting the RPC/HTTP service at https://mail.mytest.local/rpc. Elapsed time was 5 millise
RunspaceId : b23edfa3-26f5-4a4c-8d55-fa8af40726b1
Id : 1113
Type : Error
Message : When contacting https://mytest-exc1.mytest.local/rpc received the error The remote server returned an er
ror: (503) Server Unavailable.
RunspaceId : b23edfa3-26f5-4a4c-8d55-fa8af40726b1
Id : 1129
Type : Error
Message : [EXPR] Error contacting the RPC/HTTP service at https://mytest-exc1.mytest.local/rpc. Elapsed time was 5
here are failing other tests (and RPC is ok)
here are failing other tests (and RPC is ok)
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Test-OutlookWebServices -identity fiona |fl
RunspaceId : 8afdd480-15c0-45e9-87a0-8058d6f67e43
Id : 1019
Type : Information
Message : A valid Autodiscover service connection point was found. The Autodiscover URL on this object is https://Bo
RunspaceId : 8afdd480-15c0-45e9-87a0-8058d6f67e43
Id : 1013
Type : Error
Message : When contacting https://mytest-EXC1.mytest.local/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml received the error The re
mote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
RunspaceId : 8afdd480-15c0-45e9-87a0-8058d6f67e43
Id : 1023
Type : Error
Message : The Autodiscover service couldn't be contacted.
RunspaceId : 8afdd480-15c0-45e9-87a0-8058d6f67e43
Id : 1013
Type : Error
Message : When contacting https://mytest-exc1.mytest.local/EWS/Exchange.asmx received the error The request failed
with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.
RunspaceId : 8afdd480-15c0-45e9-87a0-8058d6f67e43
Id : 1025
Type : Error
Message : [EXCH] Error contacting the AS service at https://mytest-exc1.mytest.local/EWS/Exchange.asmx. Elapsed ti
me was 11 milliseconds.
RunspaceId : 8afdd480-15c0-45e9-87a0-8058d6f67e43
Id : 1026
Type : Success
Message : [EXCH] Successfully contacted the UM service at https://mytest-exc1.mytest.local/EWS/Exchange.asmx. The
elapsed time was 14 milliseconds.
RunspaceId : 8afdd480-15c0-45e9-87a0-8058d6f67e43
Id : 1013
Type : Error
Message : When contacting https://mail.mytest.local/ews/exchange.asmx received the error The request failed with HT
TP status 401: Unauthorized.
RunspaceId : 8afdd480-15c0-45e9-87a0-8058d6f67e43
Id : 1025
Type : Error
Message : [EXPR] Error contacting the AS service at https://mail.mytest.local/ews/exchange.asmx. Elapsed time was 1
2 milliseconds.
RunspaceId : 8afdd480-15c0-45e9-87a0-8058d6f67e43
Id : 1026
Type : Success
Message : [EXPR] Successfully contacted the UM service at https://mail.mytest.local/ews/exchange.asmx. The elapsed
time was 13 milliseconds.
RunspaceId : 8afdd480-15c0-45e9-87a0-8058d6f67e43
Id : 1113
Type : Error
Message : When contacting https://mytest-exc1.mytest.local/ews/exchange.asmx received the error The request failed
with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.
RunspaceId : 8afdd480-15c0-45e9-87a0-8058d6f67e43
Id : 1125
Type : Error
Message : [Server] Error contacting the AS service at https://mytest-exc1.mytest.local/ews/exchange.asmx. Elapsed
time was 14 milliseconds.
RunspaceId : 8afdd480-15c0-45e9-87a0-8058d6f67e43
Id : 1126
Type : Success
Message : [Server] Successfully contacted the UM service at https://mytest-exc1.mytest.local/ews/exchange.asmx. Th
e elapsed time was 15 milliseconds.
RunspaceId : 8afdd480-15c0-45e9-87a0-8058d6f67e43
Id : 1028
Type : Success
Message : [EXPR] Successfully contacted the RPC/HTTP service at https://mail.mytest.local/rpc. The elapsed time was
14 milliseconds.
RunspaceId : 8afdd480-15c0-45e9-87a0-8058d6f67e43
Id : 1128
Type : Success
Message : [EXPR] Successfully contacted the RPC/HTTP service at https://mytest-exc1.mytest.local/rpc. The elapsed
time was 14 milliseconds.
there is 1 single forest, 1 site, and 1 consolidated exchange 2010 RU1. the DisableLoopbackCheck is set to 1 and the server has been restarted
InternalNLBBypassUrl : https://mytest-exc1.mytest.local.local/ews/exchange.asmx
InternalAuthenticationMethods : {Ntlm, WindowsIntegrated, WSSecurity}
InternalUrl : https://mytest-exc1.mytest.local.local/EWS/Exchange.asmx
ExternalAuthenticationMethods : {Ntlm, WindowsIntegrated, WSSecurity}
ExternalUrl : https://mail.mytest.local.local/ews/exchange.asmx
February 9th, 2010 11:31am
Hi,To confirm the RPC virtual directory is working fine, please access https://localhost/Rpc/RpcProxy.dll in the IE on the CAS. The blank page will be represented.For the Autodiscover, please access https://localhost/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml on the CAS. The 600 error code will be displayed.Additionally, please press Ctrl+right click the Outlook icon in the System Tray, select Test E-mail AutoConfiguration, uncheck Use Guessmart and Secure Guessmart Authentication, click Test button.Then post the information on the forum.ThanksAllen
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February 10th, 2010 1:27am
both tests work fine when localhost is called. here's the output from outlook:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Autodiscover xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/autodiscover/responseschema/2006">
<Response xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/autodiscover/outlook/responseschema/2006a">
<DisplayName>Fiona May</DisplayName>
<LegacyDN>/o=BoxedUC/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=Fiona May</LegacyDN>
<ServerDN>/o=BoxedUC/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=mytest-exc1</ServerDN>
<MdbDN>/o=BoxedUC/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=mytest-exc1/cn=Microsoft Private MDB</MdbDN>
<OWAUrl AuthenticationMethod="Basic, Fba">https://mytest-exc1.mytest.local/owa/</OWAUrl>
<OWAUrl AuthenticationMethod="Fba">https://mail.mytest.local/owa/</OWAUrl>
thank you, Pacho
February 10th, 2010 8:28am
To me it sounds like RPC is having an issue getting to the services needed. What i would do is get a network capture and run this command again. Here is a good article http://cbfive.com/blog/post/Taking-a-long-network-capture.aspx that should hlep with setting up the network capture. If you don't know how to read a network capture NP send me the files and I will take a look for you.
Chris cbfive.com
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 10th, 2010 9:49am
Good to know thanks for the post back.Chris
February 10th, 2010 11:51am
i think it's fixed.
the problem is related to web services and basic authentication.
so with
Set-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -identity "BOXEDUC-EXC1\EWS (Default Web Site)" -externalurl https://mail.mytest.local/ews/exchange.asmx -internalurl https://mytest-exc1.mytest.local/EWS/Exchange.asmx -BasicAuthentication:$True
the problem seems solved.
thank's all for the support
So to clarify, you had basic authentication enabled on your CAS but webservicesvirtualdirecotry was showing 'false' so you had to change manually? I have the opposite issue, NTLM enabled on two HUBCAS servers but getting RPC errors when running the test-outlookwebservices:
RunspaceId : e3586e9b-3279-472e-9e14-7d66893a6371
Id : 1013
Type : Error
Message : When contacting
https://domainname.com/rpc received the error The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.
RunspaceId : e3586e9b-3279-472e-9e14-7d66893a6371
Id : 1029
Type : Error
Message : [EXPR] Error contacting the RPC/HTTP service at
https://domainname.com/rpc. Elapsed time was 16 milliseconds.
RunspaceId : e3586e9b-3279-472e-9e14-7d66893a6371
Id : 1113
Type : Error
Message : When contacting
https://servername.com/rpc received the error The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.
RunspaceId : e3586e9b-3279-472e-9e14-7d66893a6371
Id : 1129
Type : Error
Message : [EXPR] Error contacting the RPC/HTTP service at
https://servername.com/rpc. Elapsed time was 12 milliseconds.
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August 13th, 2010 2:34pm
can you browse the server by IE?
wanna try to set basic auth?
August 16th, 2010 6:55am
We had this error when we ran "Test-OutlookWebServices | FL" in the Exchange Management Shell:
Id : 1013
Type : Error
Message : When contacting https://mytest-EXC1.mytest.local/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml received the error The re
mote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
Just got off the phone with MS and it was fixed by making the following Registry changes (should backup your registry before trying this):
1) HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\TCPIP6\Parameters. Then add a Reg_DWORD of "DisabledComponents" and hex value of FFFFFFFF
2) HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa. Then add a REG_DWORD of "DisableLoopbackCheck" and hex value of 1.
I think the main thing is to disable loopback checking. Then restart the server. after that, Test_OutlookWebServices ran without error for us.
P.S. - The tech also mentioned to disable all IPv6.
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May 30th, 2011 4:41pm
Make sure you have an external DNS SVR record for auto discover.
For external users, create DNS Srv
record with DNS hosting as follows:
DNS SRV Record
Protcol -
Name -
Priority -
Weight -
Port -
Target -
March 27th, 2012 2:05pm
Have you enabled Windows Authentication on your EWS virtual directory using management shell?
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 22nd, 2012 7:32pm