Hello. I have encountered a problem with a pivot table (PT ) used to create a demo dashboard for snowfall data at a ski resort.
My data is in an Excel Table beginning with column 'Season' (1970, 1971, 1972, etc. through 2014). Each column to the right of the Season column has snowfall data for each month of that year (Oct, Nov, Dec, etc. )
First, I created a PT from my source data to illustrate Annual Snowfall trends from 1970 2014. Then I created a pivot chart (line) for later addition to a dashboard. It is on a tab called AnnualTotals. So far so good.
But when I attempt to start with a new tab to create a (2nd) pivot chart, from the same data source, for the purpose of grouping snowfall totals by decade - any Grouping in my new 'SnowfallByDecade' tab changes the first 'AnnualTotals' tab as well even though the new (2<sup>nd</sup>) PT is on a different tab.
The original data for 'Seasons' was TEXT, so I changed it to 'General' in hope that would solve the problem. But I am still unable to create a new tab to group by decade without Excel automatically modifying the first pivot table and pivot (line) chart (AnnualTotal tab).
I have made dashboards before with grouping and never saw this phenomenon, so I am confused.
Any comments or suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance.
I also have an Excel (xlsx) file that can e-mail for further investigation.
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