I am making some forms with the text box and underlines, my problem is when I insert the text box and protect the document the underline is pushing as I type making everything shift over. Is there a solution for this problem?
Hi Thomas,
Could you tell me which office application are you using? Word, Excel or other applications? And which version of Office are you using?
I tested it in Excel but didnt get your result.
Could you be a bit more precise explain your issue so that I can get more accurate solutions to this problem.
Or you could upload a screenshot so that I can get more accurate solutions to this problem.
If you have no verified to post the screenshot, I suggest you upload the screenshot via OneDrive.
If possible, you could send this file to our email address:
ibsofc@microsoft.com I'd like to help you check it.
Please Note: The email subject you should use the URL or the Title Name of your case.
Im glad to help and follow up your reply.
George ZhaoTechNet Community Support