update.microsoft.com IP addresses/Port
My System administrators have asked me to poke a hole in my Firewall DMZ to allow our Exchange 2007 servers access to updates.microsoft.com. I am trying
to find out what IP addresses and ports I should allow through.
September 22nd, 2010 12:18pm
I'm not 100% sure but I believe that Server initiates the conenction so that if your firewall uses stateful inspection then the firewall will open an incoming port based on the fact that the request was initiated from inside. Unless your firewall is configured
with fixed-access ACL, tor you are specifically blocking outbount http or https, this part shoul not worry you. Use ports 80 and 443 for WSUS.
Here is a list of the site you need to grant acces to:
Miguel Fra /
Falcon ITS
Computer & Network Support, Miami, FL
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September 22nd, 2010 12:49pm