using exchange
i have i general question about using exchange.
i'm hostingmany domain on my server and each of them has their mailboxs and i whant to service them with appropriate web page to sending , reciving mail and managing thier mailboxs.
what is the best solution,
i should use windows POP3 service and developing my pages to to sending , reciving mail and managing thier mailboxs.
or i use exchange server 2003 with its active directory service and then use OWA as my page, i use this solution but when i want to define mailboxes of domains , each one of mailbox should has thier user logon name and when i'm want to define , active directory prompt me that this logon name is used (i'm used ) .
what can i do?
i should use MDeamon with windows POP3 service?
i don't know.
September 13th, 2006 11:55am
If you want to use Exchange, see the discussion on hosted Exchange at You're getting the error because you've already got an account named "info" in AD, even though it has a different SMTP domain.
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September 14th, 2006 6:39pm
Iwant to have multiple domainthat have theirmailboxes (same name mailbox or different)and my client connect to their mailboxes by OWA.
is there any solution?
September 16th, 2006 7:48am
Exchange already supports part of what you want.Let's say you have users A, B, and C.You can assign those users as many different SMTP addresses as you want: a@domain1, a@domain2, and so on. User A will thus receive mail sent to any of those addresses.However, if you want to have two different users, both named A, in the same SMTP domain, you can't do that. AD limits you to one user named A per forest.Does that help make things any clearer?
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September 18th, 2006 4:19pm
thanks Paul
I want to have different users,both named A in thae diferent SMTP domain,firsta : a@domain1 and second a : a@domain2.
but AD limit me to having to different user with same name,how can i activate AD multiple domain support functionality.
September 20th, 2006 8:01am
Unfortunately, you can't do this; AD requires user names to be unique within the forest. There's no way to activate this functionality. You can have a1@domain1 and a2@domain2, but that's as close as you'll be able to come.
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September 20th, 2006 4:52pm
I success to this.
i change upnsuffix by ADSIEdit.
thanks paul.
September 21st, 2006 7:01am