using exchange to connect to pop3 email accounts
I have an exchange 2003 standard Server running on a Windows 2003 std server (not SBS)I would like to know if I can use exchange 2003 std to connect to outside pop3 accountsIf I can how do i set up the individual connections?
June 23rd, 2009 10:45pm
Hi,POP services disabled in exchange 2003 by default, So you must enable pop service in exchange first. Fallow below procedure to enable POP3.1) Click Start, point to Administrative Tools and click on Services.2) In the Services console, locate the Microsoft Exchange POP3 entry and right click on it. Click the Properties command.3) On the Microsoft Exchange POP3 Properties dialog box, click the down arrow on the Startup type drop down list box. Select the Automatic option.4) After the Automatic option is selected, the Start button will become available. Click the Start button to start the POP3 service.5) The Service Control dialog box shows a progress bar for starting the POP3 service. 6) Click OK on the Microsoft Exchange POP3 Properties dialog box after the service has started. Then test POP3 on Exchange 2003 using telnet commandThis is basic configuration to enable POP3 in exchange install more secure menthod please review below Exchange article
Secure Exchange Server 2003 POP3 Publishing======================================
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June 24th, 2009 4:21am
Hi Richard,I could not get you question. You have some pop3 users.They wanted to connect to Exchagne server from Internet to access mails throught pop3 ?Regards,Krishna
June 24th, 2009 8:20pm
Hi,Did you mean you have POP3 accounts on external mail server? Then you want to make the email store on Exchange server, and POP3 accounts can connect Exchange server directlry?If my understand is right, we need to create the recipient policy for the email address, then use the POP3 connector to download the email from external mail server.For the POP3 Connector, please view the below article:
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 25th, 2009 12:18pm