I've been looking for this same issue for a few days now. In summary the order is this:
we create a new internetexplorer object
we navigate to a URL using that object
we pause for some user intervention (in my case the user needs to enter a password)
We want to check if the dopey user has closed the ie instance as any reference to that ie object afterwards would generate error 426
If ie has been closed, we bail out; if ie hasn't, we carry on processing the web elements
close and quit everything nicely
While Maurice's code gets close to this by checking for an IE instance with a matching url, it's not quite the same as saying is my ie object still valid? Unfortunately any reference to the ie object after it was closed generates error 426. Like the op,
I tried resting for ie isnothing and null but it all generates the error.
Any offers?
Thank you in advance