warning message while running Add-MailboxPermission cmdlet
Hi I am receiving below warning message while running Add-MailboxPermission cmdlet and Remove-MailboxPermission cmdlets. I did some research with this error but couldn't figure-out the exact problem.
One thing I could notice is, this is happening only from a few servers. This problem may be server specific. Anyone experienced similar thing or have any suggestions to understand this warning message?
WARNING: The cmdlet extension agent with the index 0 has thrown an exception in OnComplete(). The exception is:
System.InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.ExchangePrincipal.get_ServerFullyQualifiedDomainName()
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.MailboxSession.Initialize(MapiStore linkedStore, LogonType logonType,
ExchangePrincipal owner, DelegateLogonUser delegateUser, Object identity, OpenMailboxSessionFlags flags,
GenericIdentity auxiliaryIdentity)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.MailboxSession.<>c__DisplayClass12.<CreateMailboxSession>b__10(MailboxSession
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.MailboxSession.InternalCreateMailboxSession(LogonType logonType,
ExchangePrincipal owner, CultureInfo cultureInfo, String clientInfoString, IAccountingObject budget, Action`1
initializeMailboxSession, InitializeMailboxSessionFailure initializeMailboxSessionFailure)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.MailboxSession.CreateMailboxSession(LogonType logonType, ExchangePrincipal owner,
DelegateLogonUser delegateUser, Object identity, OpenMailboxSessionFlags flags, CultureInfo cultureInfo, String
clientInfoString, PropertyDefinition[] mailboxProperties, IList`1 foldersToInit, GenericIdentity auxiliaryIdentity,
IAccountingObject budget)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.MailboxSession.ConfigurableOpen(ExchangePrincipal mailbox, MailboxAccessInfo
accessInfo, CultureInfo cultureInfo, String clientInfoString, LogonType logonType, PropertyDefinition[]
mailboxProperties, InitializationFlags initFlags, IList`1 foldersToInit, IAccountingObject budget)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.MailboxSession.OpenAsSystemService(ExchangePrincipal mailboxOwner, CultureInfo
cultureInfo, String clientInfoString)
at Microsoft.Exchange.ProvisioningAgent.MailboxLoggerFactory.XsoMailer.Log(AdminLogMessageData data,
LogMessageDelegate logMessage)
at Microsoft.Exchange.ProvisioningAgent.AdminLogProvisioningHandler.OnComplete(Boolean succeeded, Exception e)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Provisioning.ProvisioningLayer.OnComplete(Task task, Boolean succeeded, Exception exception)
Sitaram Pamarthi
Blog : http://techibee.com
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July 18th, 2012 6:46am
Could you explain more detail for your question?
What is your meaning of "this is happening only from a few servers"?
If you mean this issue only occur on some servers, did you use the same account to logon the servers?
You also can run this command to have a try:
Set-AdminAuditLogConfig -AdminAuditLogEnabled $False
EvanEvan Liu
TechNet Community Support
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July 19th, 2012 5:15am
Apologies for not being clear.
>What is your meaning of "this is happening only from a few servers"?
From a few servers where Exchange Management tools installed.
>If you mean this issue only occur on some servers, did you use the same account to logon the servers?
Yes, I used the same account.
I will try your Set-AdminAuditLogConfig suggestion and update the details here.Thanks,
Sitaram Pamarthi
Blog : http://techibee.com
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July 23rd, 2012 10:00am
Evan, I think I don't want to change the AdminAudit level as that is something global and affects everyone.
While troubleshooting the issue, I noticed that, this warning message is appearing only if I try from a powershell window with Exchange Snap-in(Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010) added. I am not seeing any warnings when running the same command
from Exchange Management Shell with same login on same host.
Is this anything to do with the Exchange Snap-in? Exchange Shell uses different interface to talk to Exchange?
Please advise.Thanks,
Sitaram Pamarthi
Blog : http://techibee.com
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July 23rd, 2012 10:21am