web services address/firewall/proper config question/autodiscover (fails to find behind firewall)...
Since switching our firewall/router to a sonicwall 2040.. i noticed somethings.. communicator complains it cant find the web services.. free/busy info doesnt get populated.. out of office settings cant be changed, because it cant find the server.
I have our autodiscover and other services set to our external domain name.. (I'm guessing this was ok to do).. which is wan1.domain.com
External name lookups dont work from behind the firewall.. though i did create a new zone in my internal dns settings to point to our external domain name (we have domain.local name for the local one).. however, this doesnt help.. as our wan1.domain.com points to multiple backend servers.
So hence my question/delemma.. not sure how to fix this issue.. should i be setting up a policy directly on my firewall that allows external resolution without the need for internaladditional zones on my dns server.. or should i do something else.. or should my exchange addresses not be the external name for both parts?
For some reason i had done this before, perhaps its incorrect..
Any help would be great.
March 5th, 2008 9:10pm