wrong address on sent mail--an easy question
Got what I am sure is a super easy question for someone who knows Exchange.
I am a newbie setting up a Small Business Server (2003).
We have an ISP that keeps our mailboxes, and that gives us our email addresses.
I have been testing my new setup using my account and am able to send and receive ok through my SBS Exchange server. However when I send a message to someone, when they receive it it shows a return address of <mycompanyname.local>, which is the domain name I gave to my SBS when I first set it up.
How can I change this to be the correct email address i.e. <username>@mycompany.com?
I know this is probably a very easy question for someone who is knowledgeable in Exchange, but hey--it's a Friday and we can all use a break sometimes!
Also---any recommendations as to books, resources would be most welcome. I am the semi-IT person at my Small Business and not a full time IT person.
July 6th, 2007 4:48pm
Go to:
Start->Administrative Tools_>Active Directory Users and Computers
Select the directory 'Users' and opena users property sheet by double clicking or byright clicking and choosing 'properties' form the context menu.
Select the tab 'Email addesses'. There you will see the address user@mycompany.local in bold letters. That means that this is the primary address for that user and is therefore also the return address for that user. Now select the address user@mycompany.com andpress'Set as primary'. I am assumingthat the address user@mycompany.comis already there, otherwise addthat address to the list via the 'new' button.
Theintended return address should be set now.
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July 6th, 2007 6:21pm