Error: 824, severity: 24, state: 7

We are having trouble with reccuring 824 error message. I run dbcc checkdb on all databases. This reports that every thing is fine. The server has 2 instances and only one is giving the error. The server is running VMware and VMWare tools 9.0.11. I can't find any additional information in the event log. suspect_pages table is empty for both instances. The instance that works runs a sharepoint database, the instance that fails run a TFS database.

My understanding is that SQL Server is doing a windows API call to perform the I/O operation. Then SQL Server checks if there was any error condition with these calls, if they fail with an operating system error then SQL Server reports and 823 error. If the windows API call succedes but the data transferred by the I/O operation encountered a logical consistency problem this is reported as an 824 error.

How to debug and fix this error?

December 10th, 2014 10:06am

Please take a look at this link: 

How to troubleshoot Msg 824 in SQL Server

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December 10th, 2014 10:09am

Database is in which state?

824: Basically software I/o Error.

What sql server error log says?

December 10th, 2014 10:53am

Since this is a hardware problem, the best would be to move the database to a different LUN as soon as possible, before any real disaster happens.

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December 10th, 2014 11:23am


Error 824 could appear also when checksum for page failed. Not only physical issues on the storage originate those errors, but partial writes on pages during a computer crash. For more information: (Paul Randal)

Have you used SQLIOSim to see if you can reproduce the error. Enable the stop on error.

Hope this helps.


Alberto Morillo

December 10th, 2014 3:25pm

Error 824 is a logical IO Error where the page can be read successfully from the disk but there are some error associated with the page. firstly, you need to copy and save your corrupted MySQL Server database and when SQL Service starts, create a blank SQL Server database with the common name. seperate the empty database and replace it with the corrupted one in the place where you store your databases and try writing suitable commands to fix the issue. 

Read more about Resolve 824 error. 

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July 3rd, 2015 8:00am

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