HTA script help - define options and specify variables

Hi. I am trying to modify a script I copied from someone on the technet forums that basically lets you name a computer before sysprep is started and joined to the domain automatically. i don't know anything about scripting and i am having trouble finding someone that knows how to code HTA files.. could you please help me take a look?

the code is here: (so i don't flood the forum)

what i want to do is the following: i want to have a box named "network" .. this network box has three options 

1) local

2) staff

3) student.

choosing any of those "networks" i would statically assign the values for :

  1.    domainName = DomainNameArea.Value
  2.    userName = UserNameArea.Value
  3.    domainAdminPass = PasswordArea.Value
  4.    domainAdminPassConfirm = PasswordAreaConfirm.Value
  5.    OUName = OUNameArea.Value

i wonder if a line like this would work :


<td><input type="text"  size="30">
<select size="1" >
    <option value= name="OUNameArea" value="OU=someou,DC=domain,DC=local" name="UserNameArea" value="DCJoin" name="PasswordArea" value="password"">student</option>
    <option value= name="OUNameArea" value="someotherou,DC=domain,DC=local" name="UserNameArea" value="DCJoin" name="PasswordArea" value="password"">>staff</option>


October 24th, 2013 1:33am

Start here:

And here:

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October 24th, 2013 1:51am

Here's another good HTA resource:

October 24th, 2013 9:50am

Here is a bootstrap.  I know this stuff is very scary.  It takes a bit of getting used to .

<select id="list" onchange='msgbox(Me.options(Me.SelectedIndex).Value)'>
     <option value="value 1">Option 1</option>
     <option value="value 2">Option 2</option>
     <option value="value 3">Option 3</option>
     <option value="value 4">Option 4</option>

Tis displays the value of the selected option.

This will only work in an HTA.  In HTML you will need to set the page for VBS

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October 24th, 2013 10:56am

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