On bizUnit

Hi all.

i am new to bizunit..!

i wort BizTalk code like this


namespace BizTalkProjectTest
    public class UnitTest1
        public void Total_Items_Is_3()
            var totalItemsTest = new TestCase { Name = "Total Items is 3" };
            DeleteStep deleteStep = new DeleteStep();
            var filePathsToDelete = new Collection<string> { @"C:\BizTalkProject\BiztalkProject\sendPortCustomerSummary\*.xml" };
            deleteStep.FilePathsToDelete = filePathsToDelete;
            var testStep = new CreateStep();
            testStep.CreationPath = @"C:\BizTalkProject\BiztalkProject\ReceivePortCustomerOrder\InboundCorrect.xml";
            var dataLoader = new FileDataLoader();
            dataLoader.FilePath = @"..\..\..\TestData\InboundCorrect.xml";
            testStep.DataSource = dataLoader;
            var validatingFileReadStep = new FileReadMultipleStep
                DirectoryPath = @"C:\BizTalkProject\BiztalkProject\sendPortCustomerSummary",
                SearchPattern = "*.xml",
                ExpectedNumberOfFiles = 1,
                Timeout = 3000,
                DeleteFiles = true

            var validation = new XmlValidationStep();
            var schemaSummary = new SchemaDefinition
                XmlSchemaPath =
                XmlSchemaNameSpace =



            var bizUnit = new BizUnit.BizUnit(totalItemsTest);

when i start testing .. i am getting this error..

can any one solve this..


October 3rd, 2013 1:33am

what is the error?
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October 3rd, 2013 2:00am

October 3rd, 2013 2:26am

Try to put a break point and see to which directory it is pointing? as it is asking to verify directory
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October 3rd, 2013 5:07am

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