(BUG?)Remote desktop from vista to windows server 2003 x64
Hello everybody, I have a very strange and serious problem. Connectingmy laptop(which have windows vista) to a windows server 2003 64bit edition brings the server down. It happens after some minutes ofa session of remote desktop. The server dont let you connect again with remote desktop and the iis stops, also other services dont work... I have to reset the server to make it work again. This is a very serious problem and i hope somebody know how to solve it because otherwise the only solution is to switch to other so ! ps:both vista and windows server are updated. Regards
October 7th, 2007 4:22pm

I run this configuration at multiple client sites every day, and I've never had the issue you are describing.take a look at your application and system event log. if services stop, they should be reported and with some sort of explination. please reply with the results.
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October 10th, 2007 8:34am

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