1 key for more PCs?
Can I use the Beta key for more PCs or do I needextra keys for other PCs?Can I share the key with a friend if he don't get one?
January 10th, 2009 4:28am

Maybe not.You can phone Microsoft.
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January 10th, 2009 4:51am

I am pretty sure that sharing the serial will be against the End User License Agreement. It was assigned to you. Not to them. As for multiple machines on a single serial. I believe that these serials can activate up to 10 machines. After that it would require a call to the Help Line. Which most likely will cause you problems since it is a Beta and not in their system yet. But that would be better to ask Microsoft.~Alex T.~Windows Desktop Experience MVP~
January 10th, 2009 6:27am

I called up Microsoft yesterday about this issue, and I read in the fire print that it says you can install it any number of times on any machines on your "premises", but doing so is at your own risk. I am a college teacher, and I am having students play around with it to see what they can do (i.e. joining Server 2003 Domains, seeing how it relates to Vista, etc...). I have a classroom lab environment with some decent Core 2 Duo PCs that have both IDE and SATA external hard drive bays for students' use. My senior instructor told me to get Windows 7 off his machines because we were afraid of getting fined for not having a site license... but if you read the fine print, you don't really need one to install Win 7 on multiple computers, it's only for a "live operating environment" that you need arrangements. Again, my classroom lab is the perfect environment where students can set up a small network with Windows 7 and earlier Windows clients/servers. I'm not sure what your environment is, but basically install Win 7 at your own risk, and don't put it on any machine that is critical to running your business. Any Microsoft want to rep confirm this? - Tifas Revenge
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January 17th, 2009 1:51pm

I was searching about this earlier and aparently, microsoft has only given out a total of 10 keys.5 for 32-bit version, 5 for the 62-bit version.If you were to use 5 more accounts to try and obtain extra keys, you would have atleast 1 which would repeat.I have not tested this myself, but have only read about it.And besides, Microsoft is giving out these keys for free, if you really wanted to, just sign up again and get another key.
January 17th, 2009 2:08pm

I'm sure you can use it on multiple computers but you cannot validate it online!
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January 17th, 2009 5:53pm

When Windows 7 went public there was only a select number of serials issued. So while there may be only 5 serials that were issued to everyone, that still doesnt allow for people to just openly share then. That is in violation of the EULA of Windows. So you still technically can't just share the serial. They can easily sign up and get the serial themselves from the Official site but to just give it to them knowing this information is in violation.As for installation in your enviroment, yes you can install it on any number of machines for testing. My previous statement was more for the final release of Windows that for the Beta. If the classroom lab is a production enviroment then no you wouldnt be able to install it. As that would fall under the "Live Operating Enviroment". IF it is jsut a classroom lab for learning purposes only then you should be fine.~Alex T.~Windows Desktop Experience MVP~
January 17th, 2009 6:28pm

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