2 Ethernet ports. Specifying windows to use one for internet, and other for local network? How?
Hey, I have 2 lan cards in my computer. Lan1: Connected to Internet in Wall Lan2: Connected via Ethernet Bridge (Software: DD-WRT) to other router. But I want to use Lan1 only for the internet, and Lan2 (DD-WRT Enabled on Both routers) for Local Area Network Usage (Example: Streaming Music, Video on Right now, I think Windows uses either only Lan2 or both network adapters for internet-usage. Like when I download a file, browse the internet, etc.... I'm limited in Bandwidth, so I only don't want Windows to use Lan2's internet, I have shared music and videos on my computer, and they can only be accessed through other computers connected to the Network LAN2 is on. Not only that, but that Adapter is enabled, my internet and downloads are slow (like it's using LAN2's internet) Is there a way to do this? Specify which adapter to use for the internet (firefox, ie, etc) Via DD-WRT (the router) or Windows itself? -Thanks.
January 8th, 2008 5:26am

You can do this by changing the deault routing table. You need Administrator rights sostart a command line by typeing "CMD" in the search box and then hold down [L-shift] + [L-ctrl] and press enter, click continue. at the command prompt type "ROUTE PRINT" to see how your routing table is set up. You can then change the default route ( to point to the interface you want.
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January 9th, 2008 1:11am

Mike K wrote: You can do this by changing the deault routing table. You need Administrator rights sostart a command line by typeing "CMD" in the search box and then hold down [L-shift] + [L-ctrl] and press enter, click continue. at the command prompt type "ROUTE PRINT" to see how your routing table is set up. You can then change the default route ( to point to the interface you want. Besides, you may need to add a static route to the Local Network ( by using the command route add. Hope it helps. Sincerely, Joson Zhou Microsoft Online Community Support
January 10th, 2008 11:56am

how can you change the default route? what command should i type to do it?
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October 13th, 2010 11:46pm

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