802.11n Connecting in Windows 7
So I can't seem to find anything on it but I'm having difficulty getting my n connection in Windows 7. I can connect using n mode in vista. My question is whether it is supported or whether I'm just doing something wrong? I forget what setting I Have to change (if any) in Windows to use it. Really i can't even find how to turn it off in vista.
January 11th, 2009 8:34pm

Can you be more specific? What Wireless NIC are you using? What authentication/security are you using? WPA? WPA2 Personal? WPA2 Enterprise?I'm asking because I'm too having problems when connecting to my WPA2-protected network at home, using an Apple TimeCapsule access point configured in 802.11n+abg compatibility. Windows7 uses 802.11n but the network connection (probably the radio link) is not stable: sometimes the connection works fine, sometimes Windows notifies me of limited connectivity. Connecting to my other access point that is using 802.11g and WPA works fine, though.
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January 11th, 2009 9:24pm

Well I have a Sony vaio FW 139 with atheros AR928x.My Security is disabled cause no one lives within range of my network other than me (Probably should but whatever).The wireless adapter has updated windows 7 drivers and G mode does work but N mode does not.I have a linkysys router WRT160N and it is broadcasting the signal.Really I think i've forgoten the location of the place to switch on N unless or it's on by default and like you said its not stable in Windows 7.And a note on your situation, if you can safely disable your security, you can try and see if it actually is the issue.EDIT: Rolling back the drivers worked the second time I did it. Maybe some issue but I will see how it goes.
January 11th, 2009 11:45pm

Even if nobody lives in range of you, having a properly secured Wireless network is a good idea, in my opinion. This should prevent anyone, a casual user or someone else, from (mis)using your wireless network, to connect to the Internet, steal bandwidth or even commit fraud.
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January 12th, 2009 12:17am

You must be paranoid or do not understand "out of range". No one ("casual user"?) can do anything over your network if they cannot connect to it. Maybe you assume we all live in an urban enviroment surrounded by people. My closest neighbor lives a quarter mile from me and my router has a 400 foot range max. I also know my neighbors, I doubt you city folk do, and they do not even own a computer. We communicate by smoke signal (wired phone line). Life without a computer or cable TV is possible believe it or not. I agree "a properly secured network is a good idea" in general, but out of range means just that. There are no wi-fi sniffers driving around here. If someone tried that we'd just shoot them and feed them to the hogs. HA!
January 20th, 2010 8:42pm

paranoid might not be the most appropriate word jefy, call it common sense for those less bucolic. have you streets where you live? do you heli in and out of the place? ever heard of high-gain antennas or wardriving? do not think too highly of that quarter of a mile separation from your neighbors as very often it is the smart and mobile you must consider, as in not even close to the house enjoying your hanging out for all to see wide open network. there is nowhere I could live and think security not the proper course for a network I use. you should rethink it.
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February 4th, 2011 9:15pm

Say, living in an urban setting next to actual people, makes us more keen to the possibilities that our private networks could be compromised(for you country folks, this means access without permission). Also, in case your so deep in the bush, then your cow neighbors failed to inform you, that all wireless traffic is open, thereby allowing all packets to be captured in the air for viewing, by someone sitting in a car with a "sniffer". So my hick friend, secure your WAP so that it can truly be protected against other hill billy ferllas up there yonder.
May 17th, 2011 1:21pm

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