A timer is running and is not letting me work
Hello,I have installed Windows 7 Pro for a couple of days, but now it seems there is a background timer-like program that is running and is interferring with the usual taks. For example when I click a menu to open it and then when I want to click on one of its items the menu is suddenly closed and I can even see that it is a timer program because the title bar of any running pogram, such as the IE, is blinking at an interval time. Is it a known virus? If so why my anti-virus did not catch it? Also, it started like this today.
February 14th, 2010 10:19pm

Hi, First of all, I suggest you update your anti-virus program database and run a full-scan. If there are still no viruses, you can try to enter safe mode to have a try. You can refer to this to have a try. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/Start-your-computer-in-safe-mode If there is no problem in safe mode, you can run clean boot to check whether there is a problem. You can refer to this to have a try. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929135 If the issue disappears in the Clean Boot environment, we can use a 50/50 approach to quickly narrow down which entry is causing the issue. if clean boot doesn’t work, does the problem take place these two days? If it is so, you can run a system restore to solve your problem. You can refer to this to have a try. http://windows7news.com/2009/09/25/how-to-use-windows-7-system-restore/ But If there are still some problems, please feel free to let me know
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February 15th, 2010 12:56pm

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