About Get Win32_QuickFixEngineering with WMIC in Windows 7
Dear, I use the same wmi command to get Description,FixComments in Class win32_QuickFixEngineering , but I get different result in XP and windows 7. the wmi command as "wmic path win32_QuickFixEngineering get Description,FixComments". I have a little concern about why I can get full description by select "Description" in windows XP , like C:\Users\admin>wmic path win32_QuickFixEngineering get Description,FixComments Description FixComments Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Security Update (KB2416447) Update Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Security Update (KB979906) Update Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 (KB867460) Update Windows Management Framework Core Update Security update for MSXML4 SP2 (KB954430) Security update for MSXML4 SP2 (KB973688) Hotfix for Windows Media Format 11 SDK (KB929399) Windows Media Player Security Update (KB2378111) Windows Media Player Security Update (KB952069) Windows Media Player Security Update (KB954155) Microsoft Compression Client Pack 1.0 for Windows XP Update Windows XP Hotfix (KB2158563) Update Windows XP Update (KB2345886) Update Windows XP Hotfix (KB2443685) Update Windows XP Update (KB2467659) Update Hotfix for Windows XP (KB915800-v4) Update Windows Remote Management (KB936059) Update Windows XP Hotfix (KB952287) Update Hotfix for Windows XP (KB954550-v5) Update Windows XP Hotfix (KB961118) Update Windows XP Hotfix (KB979306) Update Windows XP Hotfix (KB981793) Update but just get "Update" or "Security Update" in windows 7. such as C:\Users\admin>wmic path win32_QuickFixEngineering get Description,FixComments Description FixComments Update Security Update Security Update Security Update Security Update Security Update Security Update Security Update Update Security Update Update Update Update Update Update Service Pack they ("Update" / "Security Update") seems like the value of "FixComments" in windows XP. so I am not sure it is by design in windows 7 or not.
March 30th, 2011 4:36pm

I get the same. Display HotFixID too. the caption includes a link to the KB page."A programmer is just a tool which converts caffeine into code" I'm going to leave the forum on 31th March 2011 if I don't get a Feedback about the SPAM of 2 MVPs. So if you want an answer, be fast so that I can help you before I leave the Technet forum.
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March 30th, 2011 5:54pm

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