Access is denied to various temp directories in Vista Business
2003 Server domain and Vista Business with latest service packs. The problem is on a laptop and when away from the office there are no problems but after logging at the office I have a user that cannot open attachments in Outlook 2007 and cannot download any files in Internet Explorer. I have discovered that I cannot access any directories under c:\users\username\appdata\microsoft\windows\temporary internet files\low or c:\users\username\appdata\microsoft\windows\temporary internet files\content.ie5. Cannot even view the permissions or ownership of the directories logged in a user, local admin or domain admin. Running a chkdsk /f fixes the problem temporarily, I have not reinstalled vista but did image to a new hard drive and no bad sectors were found on the old or new drive.
October 11th, 2010 9:57am

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