Acer Aspire V3-572G: Frequent Random Freezing/Crashing

My Acer laptop, roughly 6-7 months old, running Windows 8, has been experiencing frequent freezing/crashing as of the last two days. Either the screen freezes entirely, or the screen goes black (backlight remains on, laptop appears to be on). 

I've tried updating drivers, and virus scans seem to show nothing. Did a factory reset earlier but I'm still getting problems. Is this definitely a hardware problem? 

Event Viewer shows a lot of errors concerning processor performance being limited. Also, I'm seeing alerts/errors from when the factory reset was being run, could this have affected anything?

Would appreciate any help anyone can provide. Also included OneDrive share of the error log.!159&authkey=!ADWllrv5V3k_mcg&ithint=file%2czip

Thanks all. 

  • Changed type RyunM 13 hours 23 minutes ago Was a discussion, want it to be a question
April 6th, 2015 1:44pm

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