Administrator remote logon
Windows 7 Pro. Some are domain members, others are in networks without servers and just configured as workgroup members. How can I: 1. Force-logoff a locally- or remotely-logged on user without giving the user the option to deny me as administrator when I need to log on remotely (via RDP)? A user may lock the screen or simply walk away without logging off. Then I need to log on via RDP at night to run an update or add/remove an application. It lets me log on but leaves the user's program running, preventing me from correctly testing software or installing/uninstalling software. I have to force a reboot to make sure nobody is logged on. So far, I have found lots of documentation on how to hide entry points for Fast User Switching that is perfectly useless in solving this problem but nothing on how to get Fast User Switching out of my business and keep me from doing the things I need to do. (Pardon my ignorance here, but I am a little frustrated finding no answers after searching extensively across the net.) 2. Deny non-administrator users the right to log on when I am logged on as administrator remotely via RDP? I may be logged on running an update to some application, and the user logs on and starts up the application. That is no good! 3. Log on locally as administrator and force the user off when a user has locked the screen. I need unrestricted access to my machines any time the computers are turned on, sans all the complications brought on by Fast User Switching, and I confess that am still unfamiliar enough with Windows 7 that I have not yet figured out how to do any of the above tasks and have been unable to find answers online. As a fundamental concept, I do not want any applications running that I am not running when logged on as administrator, as anything running by another user may well interfere with what I need to do: it may slow me down by consuming system resources, or it may, in fact, lock files that I need to remove or update.
February 9th, 2011 4:17am

You may need to use wmi to logoff a logged-in user: Using Win32Shutdown ( ) you can force a logoff remotely. You can use wmi interactive using wmic.exe on shell or implement a script/app using vbs or .Net e.g. Greetings ThOu.
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February 10th, 2011 6:00am

I know that I can force a logoff, but that is not what I need. I do not want to just force a user off when he is working. I need to know whether the user is actually in the middle of doing something or has disconnected his RDP session so that I can decide whether to proceed with upgrading software, rebooting the computer, etc. You can imagine what might happen if I attempt to update QuickBooks on a PC and find out too late that someone else is logged on remotely running QuickBooks. That is a good way to end up with a corrupted QuickBooks installation. I had another example today: I logged onto a computer via RDP, renamed it, and when I was ready to do the required reboot, the system advised me that another user was logged onto the computer, also remotely. Of course, I have no way of knowing whether the other use is actually working or logged on and then disconnected. This is very disconcerting. At least with Windows Server operating systems I have the Terminal Services Manager. Is there a similar feature for Windows 7 that will allow me to check the idle time and/or take control of the other user's session? Blindly kicking other users off the system is not an option I will consider. Again, what I really need is a way to prevent multiple users from logging on and be told who is logged in when I attempt to log on.
February 28th, 2011 12:50am

I know that I can force a logoff, but that is not what I need. Sorry, then I misunderstood your question 1 from the initial post: "How can I: 1. Force-logoff a locally- or remotely-logged on user without giving the user the option to deny me as administrator"
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 28th, 2011 4:11am

I apologize. That was, indeed, part of the question, but it is in the context of knowing that another user is logged on when I log on. I can already use shutdown -i from the server to force a logoff. Since I know who uses each computer, I can also easily log on as that user, then log off, but I really need to know when I log on remotely that someone else is logged on, locally or remotely, so that I do not begin updates when someone else is logged on. The question is really more basic: how can I disable Fast User Switching, not just hide the entry points. I have already hidden the entry points, and it does nothing to prevent multiple RDP users from logging on or even notify me when I log on and another user is already logged on.
February 28th, 2011 11:05am

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