All Day Sucker?
Did you hear about Microsoft's great $8.5 Billion dollar in cash blunder today? All Microsoft needed to do was upgrade their Windows Media Player to include e-mail addresses and audio and video content, and they would have had the best internet telephone service on the market. Can you imagine the cost of upgrading Windows Media Player verse buying Skype. Your talking, in house, real small potatoes. So in actuality like, they paid $8.5 Billion dollars for a web site address, or A heck of a toy for Microsoft. I guess their chumps now. Don't Go Bananas dot com. PT Barnum: "There is a sucker born every minute." Hey? Next time, buy-out the company that makes "Male Chastity Belts," or have I already emasculated you enough dot com?
May 10th, 2011 6:58pm

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