All e-mails were gone after 5 e-mails deleted on My Document__How to restore/recover lost e-mails?
Hi:Outlook Express 6 with XPI deleted some e-mails accumulated in My Document this morning. When I went to O.E.6 to read some of old e-mails, there are NONE, although there are 40 different kinds of e-mails were sitting before an access to My Document.Apparantly, all e-mails, both current and past of the Outlook Express 6 were deleted. The e-mail I see is now only one when opened O.E.6.My questions are;(1) How did it happen? .... I never deleted any of O.E.6 boxes, i.e., 'deleted items,' 'outbox' including 'in-box.'(2) How to recover/restore all of e-mails lost after having deleted some of e-mails on My Document? In 'Recycle Bin,' I actually restored one or two folders by right-click, .... but where are they now?Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.Thanks, 1 person got this answerI do too
January 15th, 2011 2:25am

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