Android Emulator on Hyper-V with Windows Phone Development kit installed

I have Windows Phone SDK installed, which gives you Hyper-V.

I also do development on Android.  When one installs the Android O/S into a VM, it can't see any network, so it's practically useless.

All of the online documentation says "Use a legacy network adapter".  Well... with Hyper-V managing one's network adapters (It's a laptop with two NICS) there is no such thing as a legacy adapter.

So do we have a virtual machine environment that really isn't a virtual machine at all, but only supports Microsoft operating systems?  That's what I suspect, and it is very disappointing.  

Or is there some trick to make the Android emulator see the network card?  From terminal, ip a only shows the internal adapters (loopback) no matter what is selected in the Hyper-V network dialog.

February 20th, 2014 2:13am

Please review: Installing Android-x86 on Hyper-V with Windows 8.1

"One major consideration is which version of Android will you run. For this guide we are going to use an Adroid-x86 build. Further, we decided to use an Android 4.3 version. The reason for this is quite simple, networking in previous versions was very painful because Ethernet did not work out of the box. Android 4.3 changed this and Android 4.4 and newer should also. You can get Android from here:".

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February 20th, 2014 3:52am

All of the online documentation says "Use a legacy network adapter".  Well... with Hyper-V managing one's network adapters (It's a laptop with two NICS) there is no such thing as a legacy adapter.

That does not make any sense. The vm cannot use the actual NICs in the host machine directly. The OS in the vm only sees the emulated NIC card(s) in the vm. By default Hyper-V uses a virtual NIC which works well with most OSs which have integration tools (which have the required drivers for this).

There are no integration tools for Android, so you need to use a NIC which is directly supported by the OS. There is an option in the Hyper-V guest setup to install a legacy NIC rather than the default one.

  Once you have a virtual NIC which is supported by the OS you can attach it to a variety of networks including a virtual public network, which is linked to a physical NIC in the host and gives the vm access to the physical network and ny networks it can access (including the Internet).

The basic problem is setting up a NIC in the vm which is supported by Android. A real Android device does not run on an X86 machine so support for X86 devices is patchy to say the least. Perhaps the Android x86 developers could help you.


February 20th, 2014 4:52am

Any news on getting this to work. I would like to demo Intune.
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June 11th, 2015 3:28pm

The android emulator sits on top of an OS.  It is a virtual process, not a virtual machine container. is a full android OS (not the emulator) that is installed into a VM container.

They are two very distinct and separate things.

In the case of the OP, the best option is to boot the workstation without Hyper-V to use the android emulator, and then boot with Hyper-V to use the phone emulator (which is a VM).

Or, use Android-x86 as was suggested and run both inside a VM.

Personally, I am not sure why the emulator would not work after Hyper-V is installed  That does not make sense. 

The only reason that I can think it might be the case is that the Android emulator installer looks for a physical NIC to bind to. And if you set up your virtual switch with 'enable management os to share' a programmatic query for a 'physical' NIC in the management OS won't return any NIC.  A simpler query for a NIC (not defining type) would work.  But not if the physical NIC type was explicitly queried for.  This is because the "allow management OS to share" option gives the management OS a virtual NIC to share the physical NIC with VMs.

June 11th, 2015 4:11pm

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