Anti-Virus and Spyware Protection for Windows 7 RC
I have been using Windows 7 since beta release build 7000, with great delight in the huge improvement over Vista (before this coming very close to downgrading to XP; not doing so only because of the improvements offered by SP-1 and SP-2 Beta). After installing Windows 7, I tried all of the anti-virus protection offered after following the link provided in the action center. These were not satisfactory. I did a search on this issue and started reading. My final conclusion, after trying several more software combinations, was that PC Tools AntiVirus and ThreatFire used in conjunction with Windows Defender and Firewall has worked without a hitch. I have had absolutely no problems with this particular combination. I just wanted to share my experience with this issue and the solution I have found. It simply works for me. Anyone who has found other solution to this issue, please reply. Peace Up and continue the good work guys! )O(
May 28th, 2009 7:03am

Nod 32.3 the best ever try it
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May 28th, 2009 8:11am

I'n using kaspspy beta from thier site. works really well. did try norton beta but had probs reactivating which you have to do every couple of weeks. hae only used beta versions of A/V fromtrend micro as well. that worked ok but only a short lic
May 28th, 2009 9:04am

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