Application close down within 60 seconds after login - why?
Hi all, For one of our clients, we've installated Windows 7 Pro 64 bit on an HP TouchSmart PC. The computer is part of a workgroup (not a domain) and logs in automatically with a normal user (non administrator) account. We have developed a .Net 3.5 application for this clients, which he runs on this machine. Since the application must always run, we initially included the application in the Startup menu. Unfortunately, the application is killed approximately 60 seconds after the user is logged in. Starting the application again gives no problems, the application will run continuously for the rest of the day. Now, we removed the application from the startup menu and instructed the client to wait 60-90 second after login, before starting the application. This solves the problem, but of course is not desireable. Strange is the way the application is killed. On normal startup and shutdown, the application writes a log message (app startup / app shutdown). When the app is killed within the 60 second periode, the app shutdown log message is not written, which must indicate an unusual close down. Looking at the event log, I find some ESENT messages. It looks like these have to do with the application being killed. But I am not sure and couldn't find a solution on the internet. Is there anyone in this forum who can help me out? Thanks in advance. Alexander op de Weegh
November 8th, 2010 4:10am

Does this issue occur in other Windows 7 systems? How do you set the application to run after 60 second, with Task Scheduler? If the issue does occur in other Windows 7 systems, I suspect that the application is not compatible with UAC. You may create a task in Task Scheduler to run it at once on startup. Make sure that the task is run with administrator privilege. However if the issue does not occur in other Windows systems, I suggest you troubleshoot in Clean Boot Mode. Perform a clean startup to determine whether background programs are interfering with your game or program Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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November 10th, 2010 1:36am

Thanks a lot. It appeared that ATI Catalyst Control Center was the problem. One or another way it killed my application. Just uninstallted it, don't need it anyways. Regards, Alexander.
November 10th, 2010 6:16am

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