Applications Attachmate Infoconnect and Google Chrome Conflict
Hello, I am running Windows 7 64-bit w/SP1, Attachmate Infoconnect 9.0 w/SP1 and Google Chrome 16.0.912.77. When both applications (Infoconnect and Chrome) are running at the same time then sooner or later Infoconnect hangs and stops respoding. The only way to get it work is to close Chrome, then Infoconnect responds immediatelly. When Chrome is closed then Infoconnect responds properly and Chrome can be started and used again. However, Infoconnect hangs again sooner or later (in several minutes or hours). It seems there is some resource conflict between these applications. I attached screenshot from Resource Monitor which shows some relation between Infoconnect and Chrome processes. Resource monitor screenshot link: I would appreciate your suggestions if it is one of the application or the OS problem and how to resolve it.
January 26th, 2012 4:22pm

OK, I'll contact the applications support. Thank you for your reply. == Update: Attachmate provided hotfix for Infoconnect 9.1. I've been running those two applications all day today without problem. It seems to be fixed.
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January 31st, 2012 11:10am

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