Apps don't work from menu screen. non of them except desktop
if I select an app just get blue screen but nothing else happens. I go back to the 'menu' screen at it show apps running on the pop out list on the right. what ever I do I cannot get the app to run this includes PC settings. The only thing that works is desktop. 
January 13th, 2014 9:41pm

if I select an app just get blue screen but nothing else happens. I go back to the 'menu' screen at it show apps running on the pop out list on the right.


What did you mean above? When did you encounter bluescreen? Does this problem occures after sysytem crash with bluescreen

Please zip up the minidump files and make available (provide link) via windows Live SkyDrive or similar site.

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January 16th, 2014 11:08am

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