Assigned Access Upgrade Behavior


Does anyone have any insight into when an app running via assigned access will upgrade?  Is the upgrade downloaded in the background and then applied on restart?  Alternatively, if the application fires an Application.Exit, would it pick up the bits when Assigned Access automatically restarts the app?  I wasn't able to find any documentation around this behavior and I was hoping someone might have some insight.  Thank you.

Original question:

  • Edited by S Tonstad 17 hours 40 minutes ago
August 5th, 2015 9:46am

Well i don't see why Assigned Access would change the way the app is upgraded.

If when you start the update process the app update right now it will still do in Assigned Access.

So the answer it depend on how the update is push and how the app handle updating.

For example if you update a game it will restart the app right away running the new version.

Beside normally people using Assigned Access don't have the right to update anything unless they are administrator. The only way the app would update is that if the app as some sort of auto update feature that you left running. If this is the case than the app will update the way it was configure.

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August 5th, 2015 10:22am

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