Autocopy Text
Is there any way or tool from MS that can run in background and autocopy selected text and paste on mouse middleclick. I think this functionality MS should build in windows 7 onwards atleast if not there in this release..Cheers, Anand Kale | Mumbai,IN. Success is always demanding.. :)
January 27th, 2010 8:24am

How do you intend on copying selected text automatically? You want windows to make coffee too? (ok ok, all kidding aside)So what's the problem of using the old way of doing copy and paste? Left mouse button click and drag across/down to select the text, right click selected area, choose copy, go to new area you want to paste, right click and paste. Personally I perfer doing it quicker by selecting the text then CTRL C for copy, click into new area and CTRL V to paste it. This method has been around almost since DOS days.MCSE, MCSA, MCDST [If this post helps to resolve your issue, please click the "Mark as Answer" or "Helpful" button at the top of this message. By marking a post as Answered, or Helpful you help others find the answer faster.]
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January 27th, 2010 9:14am

I dont know if CTRL C for copy and CTRL V for Paste works in DOS .. lol OK , It means there is no tool from MS. I am using Dragking freeware for same and thought MS might have their tool also, hence this thread... Thread Closed .. ;-)Cheers, Anand Kale | Mumbai,IN. Success is always demanding.. :)
January 27th, 2010 10:26am

No knucklehead, X-windows has used the autocopy selected text with middle-mouse paste for at least a decade now. No coffee required :p (OK all kidding aside) It is one of the most time saving aspect of the Unix/Linux desktop. All Linux desktops provide it, from the meager twm to the mamoth Gnome and KDE offerings. Mozilla provides it as a plugin for firefox on windows versions of their browser in their 'autocopy.text plugin. and vista, 7, and Office would greatly benefit from this simple but incredibly logical and efficient code. Think about the number of times every day people all over the world have to routinely (1) select the text they need; then (2) divert attention from the hand driving the mouse to roboticly press ctrl+c (or ctrl+x); followed by (3) returning attention to reposition the mouse to then (4) press ctrl+v. Autocopy/middle-mouse paste completely eliminates 2 & 4 above from the copy/cut/paste process. It is a usability issue. What Unix developers figured out long ago was that eliminating the number of times that attention distractions between the keyboard/mouse occurred, the more efficient computing became. With the autocopy/middle-mouse paste attention is already on the mouse for select and reposition, the middle-mouse paste completed the process without any keyboard distraction at all. I bounce between OS's and one thing glaring lack of functionality on the windows side has always been the lack of autocopy. If MS would push out a autocopy utility for Win7 and Office 10, I'd wager it would become one of the most downloaded utilities of all times, just behind powertoys.
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August 19th, 2010 9:46pm

OK, maybe not powertoys. Maybe even better. It maybe as good as the improvement we got when we moved from DOS 3.3 to 4.01 and got rid of the 33M partition limitation and finally got to use all our 120M hard drive as one partition without having to break it up into C:, D:, E: & F: -- Now that is a good valid comparison to how much difference a autocopy utilitity will make :p
August 19th, 2010 9:53pm

Actually there is an autocopy tool which works directly on Windows. It also does an autopaste too but not with middle click though. It's called Click Cutter.
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December 1st, 2010 3:35pm

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